【 22 】

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Warning: At the end of the chapter talks about things that may trigger some people. So I wanted to give a heads up.

*Marinette's Pov*

After Chloe came to my room and talked for a while it was then time for the class to eat, so we had just finished and now I'm heading back up to my room.

I decided to get started on some sketches of ideas that came out throughout the day since I have time for myself. I needed to make new designs for Uncle Jagged's new wardrobe for his concert tour he will be having in the upcoming summer.

After being at my desk for a while sketching, I decided to go out to the balcony. It was late, already dark. I realized I spent a while on those designs. It was a bit chilly since it was winding but I had wrapped myself with my blanket.

After a while of relaxing, I decided to go back inside. I was just about to enter back inside when I felt someone approach me from behind. I felt them touch my shoulder so in a panic I grabbed their arm and judo flipped them. When they were on the ground I realized it was Robin. Oh my gods!

"Oh my - I didn't know it was you. Are you okay?" I said quickly.

"Um yeah," he said, groaning a bit as he got up from the ground.

"You may not look like it but you are really strong. Totally got me off guard," he said, a bit annoyed, probably because he had just been flipped by a girl.

"Yeah, back in Paris I'm into self-defense classes. What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure you don't just go to random hotel guests' balconies." I said.

"Um, I heard about what happened today, at the mall. I couldn't be there personally since I was a bit occupied but I wanted to see if you were okay. I also remembered you from the park so I wanted to check up on you," he said. He seemed a bit uncomfortable but still generally concerned.

I smiled at him and at the fact that he remembered me and was concerned.

"Yeah, I'm alright. My friends were worried for me but I managed to get out just fine," I told him.

"You always seem to be in dangerous situations. Being in Gotham at night with no one around and then being held hostage by the Joker. You should be careful during your stay," he said.

"Don't underestimate me. I can handle myself. In fact, you were the one on the floor just a while ago," I told him, irritated by him.

He seemed shocked by my little outburst.

"I - I didn't mean it that way. I meant it like -" he seemed to have lost his train of thought. Flustered at what he did, he didn't know what to say to get him out of his situation. It was kinda cute.

Wait a second. Did I just call him cute? He's a superhero, like me, so I have no clue of what he looks like and here I am calling him cute. Now I get why some people called Chat Noir hot without knowing his identity.

"Okay then, why are you really here? I don't buy the 'you wanted to check up on me' excuse because you could have checked the news to see if I was safe or better yet you could've just asked your Bat friends. They were there you know." I told him.

His mouth opened slightly, then closed.

"To be honest I don't know why I'm here either. I just saw you from the roof of the other building and I just came here," he finally said.

I just nodded.

"Well do you want to come in? I have some leftover pastries that my friend and I were eating earlier," I asked him.

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