【 23 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

I had planned to sleep in but Hawkmoth had other plans and I had to go to Paris when it was currently 8 am in Gotham. I just came back and was tired from the akuma attack and crashed on the bed. As much as I wanted to go back to sleep I just couldn't. I was already fully awake. I decided to just get up and shower then head downstairs to eat breakfast.

When I got there, I slid in the seat in front next to Chloe and put my food down on the table.

The others were not awake yet. Chloe is the only one who's a morning person, the others would rather take advantage of sleeping in.

"Wow, Marinette woke up early? And on a day we have no schedule," Chloe said.

"Yeah. Just got back from Paris. Hawkmoth woke me up at six to deal with an akuma and I couldn't fall back asleep. Plus I'm hungry," I said while putting some food in my mouth.

"So what are your plans today Chloe?" I asked her.

"I haven't decided yet. Do you want to do something together? Alix said she's going to be with Kim and Nino. They plan to go around Gotham trying to find an arcade. While Adrien said he wants to, actually, he never told me his plans so I don't know what he's doing," she said.

"Sure. Let's find something to do."

After breakfast, we both went to our own rooms. Chloe wanted to grab her things before she went out and then showed up to my room,

"What time is Luka going to come later?" She asked me.

We both were looking at our phones trying to find something to do together.

"At 10 pm. I texted him last night if we wanted to show up an hour or two before the meeting and he said two hours before. I should text Adrien to tell him to show up to my room around that time. You'll probably already be with me by then if not just show up around that time."

"Okay. Oh, for dinner we should go to this fancy restaurant. I heard it's really good." She said, showing me the restaurant.

"Sure, if you want to. I want to find a place that rents sewing machines. I get bored from sketching ideas and not being able to make them."

"Yeah, sure thing."

I found a place that rents sewing machines and saved the location. I texted Adrien about meeting in my room and if he still wanted to go.

Me: Hey, Luka and Chloe are meeting in my room tonight before we go meet the Bats at 10 pm. If you still want to come.

TheAdrienAgreste: Yeahh I'll be there. Why wouldn't I go tho?

Me: I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable with what happened the other day. Sorry.

TheAdrienAgreste: Mari, you're one of my closest friends. What you said wouldn't change that unless you had said you wanted us to be in a relationship then it would be awkward because I'm dating Kagami. You were just admitting a past feeling, I won't hold anything against you, you already knew that I was in love with Ladybug in the past. We both got the closure we didn't get before.

Me: I'm glad things didn't change between us. It's just we hadn't talked in a while face to face so I thought you were mad at me.

TheAdrienAgreste: Are you kidding? I thought you were ignoring me haha.

Me: Nooo I thought it was you!

TheAdrienAgreste: I just didn't want to make things awkward between us. I'll prove nothing has changed. What are you doing today?

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