【 47 】

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*3rd Person*

"Father!" Damian called out as he made his way down the steps of the Batcave, Marinette followed behind him.

"Yes, Damian?" Bruce called out from the bat computer.

"Good thing you didn't go to work and stayed here for the day. There is an assassin in Gotham. Someone hired a bounty on you," Damian said.

"Which me? Bruce Wayne or Batman?" He asked, not even fazed that his son just told him that someone was hired to kill him.

"On Bruce Wayne," Damian said.

"How do you know?" Bruce asked.

Damian was hesitant to speak.

"Mother came to see me. She warned that a foreigner looking into other lost miraculous ordered the hit," Damian said.

Bruce turned around.

"Talia knows about the miraculous?"

"It seems to be a known information within the League but because I stayed with you, mother never bothered to teach me about the miraculous," Damian said.

"Not to be mean, but how do we even know your mother is telling the truth?" Marinette asked.

Bruce looked over at her.

"Damian's mother can be manipulative but she doesn't lie," Bruce said.

Marinette looked over to Damian, who simply nodded.

"So assuming that Gabriel ordered the hit, then that would mean he is in Gotham," Bruce said, turning back to the computer and starting to type.

Bruce pinpointed the location of Gabriel Agreste based on facial recognition.

"Damian, go get the others and Marinette bring all of your team here including those in Paris," Bruce said.

*Marinette's Pov*

Damian and I did what his father asked. It was a really awkward situation for me to grab all of the Miraculous team. I had to jump in on them since they were currently eating dinner, and grabbed Chloe, Alix, Nino, and Kim as Marinette and make an excuse as to why they were leaving. Adrien was already at the Wayne Manor with Jon so Damian went to get them as well as with his family members. Then I went to Paris after taking the team to the Bat Cave and went to fetch Luka and Kagami and wake them up from sleeping.

"So what's the big emergency? I've never seen so many people in the Bat cave," I heard Jason.

"Hawkmoth is in Gotham," Damian answered him.

"He is? Do you know why?" Adrien asked, surprised.

"Apparently your father ordered a hit on my father," Damian said to Adrien, glaring at him.

"Dami it isn't his fault," I heard Jon whisper to him.


"Wait, how do we even know he's in Gotham?" Stephanie asked.

"I ran a facial recognition on him and found a match when I learned he was in Gotham, it seemed like he was trying to hide but my satellite still managed to find him," Bruce said.

Bruce pulled up a photo of Gabriel getting out of a car to enter a hotel.

"We need to be on high alert tonight, we have an advantage since we know of Gabriel wanting to kill me, if we take out the assassin then he'd want to do it himself and then draw him out," Bruce said.

"We just need to be careful, he can use any of the villains or civilians to his own advantage. He's angry at Bruce for taking his son away so his real goal may be getting Adrien back," I said, speaking up.

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