【 40 】

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*3rd Person*

"So this is your idea of a first date?" Adrien asked, laughing.

"Yes, now get back to work before they make us leave," Jon said, focusing on the thing he was making.

They were both at a place where you can go in and buy a mug and then decorate it. The two were having so much fun laughing around that they lost track of time and it was almost until their session was over.

"Don't rush me, then it won't come out as good as yours," Adrien said, sticking his tongue out a bit while he was painting over his mug.

"Yours will come out fine," Jon said, almost done with his.

They had about maybe ten minutes left before they had to leave. Jon had paid for a time period so if would just be the two of them.

Adrien had surprisingly finished his mug in time. They had just enough time to coat his mug with gloss so that his mug won't fade from each time he uses it. They had to wait a bit for the gloss to dry and once it was dry the staff packaged the two mugs nicely for them. (Y'all I've never been to one of these things so if this is inaccurate then I'm sorry just pretend it is what I said).

"So what do you have planned next?" Adrien asked him.

"How do you feel about ice cream?" Jon asked, excitedly.

"I love ice cream," Adrien said.

Jon grabbed Adrien's hand and led him in the direction of his favorite ice cream shop in Gotham.

*Marinette's Pov*

I was hesitant to send the text to Adrien. I had finally got the courage to send the message to him but I was still feeling anxious about it. Wondering if it would have been avoidable and I could've told Adrien about it tomorrow or was tomorrow an excuse to not tell him and keep avoiding it.

Adrien was having his first date with Jon and now I will have to ruin it by telling him something his father has done and is currently doing. I'm willing to take the cat miraculous back from Adrien if he can't handle fighting his own father or in the worst-case scenario, I will have to fight Adrien too if he takes his father's side. I couldn't think of Adrien siding with Hawkmoth but now seeing it is his father doing it for his mother, he could be torn of what to do. He would be an easy prey for Hawkmoth. Could this have been the reason behind Chat Blanc?

"Marinette," I heard Damian's voice softly call for me. I was still sitting in the chair while I turned to my side to face him. I thought I would only be seeing Damian only, not his father also standing next to him as well.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Mr. Wayne, I apologize for sitting here while you need the chair. I-"

"It's okay, Marinette, Damian just finished telling me about the video. Also how many times do I have to tell you to call me Bruce," Damian's father said, gently.

"Sorry again, Misterahhh Bruce, Bruce," I said to make sure I wouldn't forget.

He gave a small smile and then moved to sit down in the chair I was once in.

Damian grabbed my hand and led me out of the Batcave.

"Where are we going, Dami?"

"My room, I'd thought you'd want to be alone and not bothered by anyone," Damian said.


Once we got to his room I saw Titus sitting on his bed and immediately went over to him and sat down on his bed, petting him.

"Hello, Titus," I said, scratching the back of his ears, as he happily wagging his tail.

"Why are you never that happy to see me, Titus," Damian muttered.

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