【 15 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

"Oh hey Mari, we were just watching the akuma attack on Adrien's phone," said Nino.

"Yeah, it was a shame you missed it," teased Adrien.

"Well? What happened? Obviously Ladybug and whoever she was with won but tell me the details," said Chloe as if she wasn't there.

"Is that really the type of fights that happen?" Damian asked.

"Yup and on a daily basis too," answered Alix.

"Mari-trash! Apologize right now!" A voice said, interrupting our conversation.

"What happened now, Alya?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"You stole Lila's lunch money so she couldn't buy any lunch!"

"Alya, lunch was free today. How can I steal lunch money when it's not needed?"

"She didn't need it after all but she could've used that money for other things but you stole it!"

"It's okay Alya she needs the money, after all, she's poor," said Lila, eyes all watery.

"You really think she's poor?" Adrien said, chucking.

"Her parents own the best bakery in Paris a lot of people go, including tourists," he continued.

"Hey are you that girl who dropped this," said a young man walking up to us, speaking in English to Alya and Lila.

"What did you say?" Alya replied back in French.

I totally forgot that Lila and her sheep don't know much English. Only the Miraculous team knows more but isn't completely fluent. Only Adrien, Chloe, and I are fluent while the rest is about half fluent.

He then repeated the question in French.

"Oh sorry but you're the person who left your money. It seemed like you purposely dropped it but I brought it back because why would purposely drop money," he said handing the money to her but at the last second before Lila grabbed her money back, he decided to yank it from her reach.

"Sorry, but do you really want it back? I mean, I did see you purposely drop it so does that mean anyone can have it?" The guy asked.

"No! It's her money, give it back!" Alya said.

"Mmmhh maybe after you admit you lied to make this girl look bad," he said.

"I must have dropped it by accident. Sorry, Marinette. Can I have my money back now?" Lila said with a fake smile.

"Hhhm no since it wasn't sincere."

"She apologized! Who even are you?"

"Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jason and I happen to be your tour guide. I guess you can have your money since I don't feel like arguing and I seem to be on a time limit," he said looking at a watch he didn't even have on.

"Well my friend here, who you refused to give her money back, happens to know the Waynes. She could easily get you fired," Alya threatened.

Jason just stared at her in disgust and then started laughing like a maniac.

"You're funny. Like you know the Waynes," Jason said catching his breath but started bursting out laughing once again.

"Anyway, weirdos. I can't be fired; I don't even work here. I guess you can call it volunteering. Although, I really should be paid with all the effort I have to put with you people today so I might bring that up to Bruce Wayne himself," he said, sighing.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's just get the class together and get this tour over with," said Damian.

Jason was completely different from Dick. Jason seemed annoyed with Lila and the sheep, mostly Lila and Alya. Each time they mentioned the Waynes he seemed to clench his jaw. Damian also seemed annoyed at the fact that Lila "knows" the Waynes too. They must personally know the Waynes to see through her lies.

Jason wasn't as positive as Dick but was still a good tour guide at showing us more around Wayne Enterprises and about the company. He was more stern with the class and how they shouldn't always believe everything. He always called out Lila on her lies. He made it known to her that he hated her. It was kinda funny when she almost cried by the embarrassment he gave her.

Finally, it was time for the class to meet Mr. Wayne. Even though it will be a short meeting it is still very exciting, even though I already met him by accident.

"Hello everyone, I hope you are having a good time in Gotham." Mr. Wayne said walking into the room.

"You can all thank your classmate, Marinette, for writing a well-written essay that won you this trip," he said with a little chuckle.

"But wasn't it Lila that got this tour," questioned Rose.

"Didn't I say not to believe everything you hear," Jason snorted.

"Jason, calm down," said Mr. Wayne sternly.

"But it's true that it was in fact Miss. Dupain-Cheng who won the essay. I know that because I read the essay myself and chose her as the winner."

The class was shocked. They most likely will listen to Lila's excuses later, or most likely blame me somehow.

After meeting with Mr. Wayne the class was left to go into a room to test some technology items made by Wayne Enterprises. They were mostly games that were tested. Being me and the wizard at video games was easily into the games. The rest of the day was really fun, excluding Lila and her sheep attacking me with words before Damian had to intervene.

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