√chapter ten

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Zainab's POV

                         [One Month Later]

There was always a point in the life of everyone when they suffered heartbreaks; whenever they lost the urge to breathe or somehow they were just living because they are afraid to take their lives by their own hands, either since they were afraid of suicide or because they didn't want to do anything unethical.

Mine wasn't any of the case above. Since I was younger, I had always wondered if I were to see my parents and brother die, what would be my reaction? Would I be happy that finally I would be getting freed by abusive hands and bitter tongues? Or would I feel sad since these are my blood relations which would be leaving, not any stranger? At that time, my answer was always the same; I would be more than pleased to finally be getting rid of them; after all, they had made my life hell since the day they got to know their second child would be a girl.

I got proved a little wrong when I got to know that my parents died. I felt a little distress considering they were the ones who brought me to this world. But it wasn't that deep since I never made good memories with them. I got away with that transient grief really soon.

But now a month ago, on the same day, when the doctor shook his head while examing him, I felt like whole blood been sucked out of my body. Daniyal's lifeless head was still directed towards me as I was the one he was talking to before he died. Whatever bad he had done in those nineteen years was become washed-out by his sweet behavior and affection of five years. Now I got why people said that a second of love can be enough to heal months of pain.


I came out of my thoughts when a faint, melodious voice came into my ears. I quickly wiped my cheeks as my gaze went towards the half-opened wooden brown door; revealing Nofil with a small tray in her hand. She gave me a small smile when she noticed my eyes on her.

"Can I come inside?" She asked.

I nodded my head as I dragged my legs towards my stomach and hugged them with my both arms. I roamed my eyes at where I was laying; a medium-sized bed with a pastel-colored bedsheet. My stare went to the room I was in; I had seen this cream-painted room so many times but right now, it was feeling so distant, so strange for me. But now as well this room didn't avoid giving me his memories, his scent, though he was no longer using it for five years. I remembered how I always used to barge into Shaiq's room whenever I needed to talk to him. I wasn't even reluctant to use his bed or his favorite perfumes back then. The room was decorated the same as before but without him, it was feeling like a graveyard.

Nofil took my head movement as a gesture for approval and walked in my direction. She sat in a small space beside me, on the bed. It was actually her who had convinced me to start living with them, at their place. More like Meekal had done this way before her but now it was like I just got a reason to move at Shaiq's house since Daniyal had gone.

"Are you okay, Bhabi?"

I looked at Nofil who was already staring at me with puppy eyes.

"I am fine, " I briefly replied with a small smile.

"Then please eat it," she lifted the tray which she had put on the side table and placed it before me, "you haven't eaten anything since morning."

I peeked at the tray having white rice on one plate and a small bowl, there was black Daal, "I am not hungry, Nofil."

"Daniyal Bhai would be very angry if he were to know that his sister is starving herself like this and you don't want him to get angry at you, right? Then please eat it...Instead, I'll make you eat by myself today," she quickly filled the spoon with the rice and lifted it towards me.

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