√chapter twenty seven

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Zainab's POV

As the voices in my head were getting more pronounced, my grip on my hair was also increasing to ameliorate their fatal effect on my heart. Tears were flowing from my eyes like floods like they felt today was the last day they would get to shed.

"Fear the time you will regret your silence...."

"Fear the time you will regret your silence..."

"Fear the time when you will have no breath to support your words..."

Different types of voices were whispering in my ears; some were loud and some were low.  In all this internal mess, I was unable to hear the faint footsteps coming all the way from the hallway and stopped just a few meters away from me.

"Why are you sitting here at this hour of the night?" Someone said this and the familiarity of this soft voice soothed my burning body and put a halt to the disturbing voices vibrating in my ears.

I lifted my head to find Shaiq standing in front of me, trying to look at me in this dark surrounding where the moonlight was the only light. Leaving my hair which was clasped by my fingers, I stood up while my gaze was never leaving his figure. He started at me with a raised brow in confusion seeing tears in my eyes.

At that time, I felt everything around us fade away and it was just him and me being there. Despite not talking or caring about me for years, I still got those personal, cozy, and caring vibes from him. It was like since he was with me, now no one could harm me and I was in a safe place. He was my everything in this world; my every relation, my happiness, my sadness, my achievement, and lastly my love. The guy I had been deeply in love with. The only one whose name was incarnated on my heart, mind, and soul. Right now as well, the lethal thoughts of mine got flew away when he came near me.

And one thing was clear; I would never be able to live without Shaiq. I might live through but I would never remain the same. The Zainab inside me would die the same day, Shaiq would leave her, and then it would just be a body; counting the days to finally leave this world.

I slowly lifted my feet towards him and lessened the distance between us. In all this while, Shaiq's facial expressions were perplexed. Without thinking twice, I hugged him while wrapping my both arms around his stomach and placing my head on his chest. In this cold surrounding, the sudden warmth I felt from his body made me close my eyes in relief.

Just this caused the rivers inside my eyes to flow out breaking all the hurdles. After how many years, he came this close to me where I could hear his heartbeat just next to my ear. I clenched the back of his shirt tightly with my fingers while trying to extract all his warmth which I had been craving to get for since the time I sent him away. Shaiq's arms were still dangling downward and his body turned stiff due to this unexpected act by me.

I didn't want to act strong in front of him anymore. He was the one with whom I could be myself without caring about what he would think about me then how come I thought to do the contrary, five years ago? He was the only one with whom I could show my weaknesses because he wouldn't judge me.

"Don't leave me, Shaiq....please, don't!" I whispered while sobbing.

"I...I can't live without you. Don't leave me. I really can't..." I mumbled, still in a whisper- talk.

I pulled away from him and looked at his stunned face. Suddenly, I felt dizziness and my view also got hazy.

"I...I lo--" before I could complete myself, my head started pounding like someone was throwing hammers on it constantly.

"Zainab, what's wrong?" Shaiq's panicked voice was the last thing which I heard before my eyes rolled to the back and Shaiq clutched my arms tightly, preventing me from falling as I fainted.

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