Confession or ??

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Zainab's POV

As soon as I entered the parking as per he told me to do, I found him standing there-taking the support of his car, looking breathtaking as always in his royal blue Armaani suit. The plain white shirt he was wearing, was showing the perfect view of his hard, muscular chest. He flashed a bright smile at me when he noticed me. I returned him the smile as I walked near him.

"Since how long you have been waiting for me, here?" I asked him.

Around five o'clock, after my shift ended, I called Shaiq to pick me up, only to get informed in return that come to the parking as he was already present there. I didn't know he would be waiting for me like this. I apologized to Meekal by telling him that I had to go somewhere with Shaiq and I couldn't go with him, before striding out where Shaiq was looking forward for me.

"No problem. We will talk next time," Meekal assured me with a warm grin.

"Around half an hour or forty minutes, maybe," Shaiq replied.

Shaiq's office time ended by almost five P.M and instead of going back to home, he came to my workplace and waited for me here. I had an extra one working hour and despite a keen desire to cut it off and join him as early as possible, I couldn't do so since I was a new employee.

"You waited for so long, Shaiq. I am sorry," I uttered, apologetically.

"My God... Zainab, why are you saying sorry? It's completely fine." He took my hand in his warm and broad hand. "Let's go?"

I nodded at which he smiled brightly and delicately opened the door of the passenger seat for me. He helped me get inside the car before he too occupied his place and soon the car was running on the road.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, seeing him driving on some familiar roads.

"A place which is very dear to me...Where... where it all started," Shaiq answered with a warm smile, giving me his full attention.

I raised a brow, "where it started.... What do you mean? What started?"

"You will get to know soon," he winked.

I sighed in frustration, "just tell me, Shaiq. You know, I can't take curiosity."

"Okay...." he now looked at me with a smile, " it's a place where I met you for the first time."

I stared out and my heart clenched after finally recognizing that where these familiar roads were taking us to.

Aunt's farmhouse!

Where she sent both of us after our marriage. Where we were husband and wife. Where we fell in love with each other!

On the surface, this statement was looking fine but deep within, it brought the bitter memories in my mind.

"You tell me the way to your house. It's been ages I haven't been there and seriously I don't even remember it. "

His voice reverberated in my ears. Once I asked him to take me to my home and he clearly said he forgot the way. And that was the place where we first met as children.

"But once you forgot the way to that place, Shaiq," I mumbled with a hazy voice.

He abruptly looked at me with widened eyes.

"Or do you think of another place as that place?" I again asked, while tears started shimmering in my eyes but I held them since I knew he hated them and I didn't want to hurt him by showing that I was on the verge of crying.

I hurt him enough already.

I turned my face to the other side and dabbed my eyes with my little finger before looking back at him. I smiled cheerfully.

"Let's see which place is this. I am curious," I placed my palm under my chin and batted my eyelashes. But Shaiq's expressions didn't change. He looked like been in a deep stupor.

I mentally slapped myself for being this stupid. I was his wife now. The one he loved. The girl with whom he wanted to make a family with. Our dynamic had changed. We were not the Zainab and Shaiq from five years ago. He was my husband now. For him, that place would held the most precious memory where he discovered his love for his wife. I was being an idiot for questioning him back.

And now I also need to come out of it too. I didn't have a family since I was born but he did have. He had a affectionate father, a loving mother, two  caring sisters while I just had him. He was my whole world and every relation but I was just his wife and his love.

I would not torture him anymore. I would not lay a burden of caring for his best friend on him. I would become his wife and his lover. I would love and cherish him like he wished for. I would give him what he needed from me, not something which he already had or didn't want to have anymore.

"Shaiq!" I called him.

"Hmm?" He just hummed in response.

"I love you," I confessed, my voice was quivering due to the block of tears which I swallowed down my throat. And I cursed myself right after I heard myself to be this weak.

'Shaiq is your husband, Zainab. Not a friend anymore.' I read this in my heart multiple times.

Shaiq peeked at me with a satisfied smile but looked straight right after, as he was driving. Just as the traffic became normal, he now looked back at me again and placed his palm on the side of my face while still, his one eye was on the road.

"I love you too, Zainab," he whispered.

As soon as he took his hand away from my face, a tear escaped my eye and fell right on my cheek. I thanked God that it happened after he released my cheek.

"I won't force him to become my friend ever!" I reminded myself before again turning my face to the other side and wiping my cheek.


Assalam o Alaikum/ Hello guys!

How are you?

How is the chapter?

I am sorry for a short chapter. But as you can see from the title, it's not a real chapter. It's a crux of how Zainab's mental state is right now. She isn't normal at all even after Shaiq became fine with her. And her behavior is what I wanted all of you to focus as it will play a role in the rest of the story.

I will write the chapter 31 with my own POV, not Zainab's or Shaiq's because I want it to be neutral and straight forward. Hope you understand.

The next one will come soon. Most probably on one of the 3 days of Eid.

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