Flashback 3

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Zainab's POV

I woke up in the morning with the sense of something delicate and fragrant moving on my face. When I opened my eyes, I found Shaiq sitting beside me on the bed, stroking a beautiful red rose across my features. He stopped when he noticed me getting awakened and gave me his charming smile.

Seeing him made me remind of the passionate last night we spent together and it caused my cheeks to get reddened till my ears.

"That's for you, sweetheart," he mumbled, pulling the rose in front of me when I sat up.

I chuckled and accepted the flower from him. He was looking handsome in his black suit, most probably getting ready for his office. I took my time checking him out. This charming and gorgeous guy was my husband and he loved me so much.

"Where did you get it from?" I referred to the rose.

"From our garden," he grinned and cupped my face before claiming my lips for a kiss. I closed my eyes and savored the amazing feel of his lips on mine. Shaiq softly stroked my jaw and I groaned, letting him gain access to my mouth. I always loved his kisses. Rather I enjoyed every second with him.

We pulled away after a while. Shaiq smiled at me. "Let's go for breakfast. Go and get freshened up."

I nodded and left the bed.


After breakfast, I walked with Shaiq into the porch to see him off. I didn't know why my eyes moistened at this sight even though I knew he would come back just in a few hours. Perhaps the picture of him leaving me on my own will five years ago gets recalled in my mind. Or the fact that he was leaving me for the first time after that accident made me feel lonely.

Shaiq held my hands. "Take care of yourself. I will call you." He then pecked my knuckles. I bobbed my head while grinning and then a tear in my eye watching him go away.

I would get used to his temporary absence over time. I thought and strolled back inside the house. Till then, I decided to spend some time with Aunt. I headed towards her room. She was mostly at home after her retirement. And we had some amazing mother-daughter time together as we always did in the past. 


                  Five Years Ago

Shaiq's POV

After I left for New York for studies, I got a room in a local boys' hostel pretty soon. It was near to my university in which I got admission on scholarship. My roommate by coincidence was also a Pakistani Muslim; maybe a year or two older than me.

Ahmad was an easy-going, nice, and civil guy. We became friends in no time. He was a policeman by profession. He just like me came here from Pakistan for some kind of foreign training. Ahmad was a cop in some special forces of Pakistan. As we got familiar, he told me his field mainly worked behind the covers and dealt with searching and gaining information for highly wanted criminals.

We became good friends and even used to hang out together in our respective free time. On one such day when we were celebrating Ahmad's first level of training completion, we discussed many things. He said his father died a few months ago in a bus accident and his mother was still alive but was battling with cancer. He was the only child of his parents.  When I told him about myself, I suddenly remembered Zainab. Not that I ever forgot about her, but exclusively talking about her to someone, made me feel the emptiness her absence from my life had caused.

It was my second month here and since then I never talked to Zainab despite being in touch with the rest of the family. I wanted to give her the idea by acting like this like and I was affected by this. That she hurt the pride of a husband in me. So that she could stop thinking I just considered her my friend. But I knew as well that she would be hurt by my behavior.

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