Flashback 2

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Shaiq's POV

When I entered my study which I was using as an office at home, I found my secretory already present there. He stood up noticed me and greeted me with a professional smile plastered on his face.

I responded to him and gestured for him to sit back before occupying my seat. He reached out for his bag and took out a white colored box from inside.

"Sir, that's the mobile set you asked me to purchase," he stated as he placed the box on the table between us.

I nodded and regarded the box. I wanted to give this to Zainab since she got her phone snatched and it was already two weeks since she was without any contact with anyone of her friend or work circle. Ahmad already said he wanted to check on his sister, even though he was ready to come here to tell Zainab about their relationship. I stopped him since it was not the right time.

When my secretary took off after our short meeting, I was about to leave the study when my phone rang. My lips spread in a warm smile noticing Zara's name glistening on it. We often used to contact each other when I was in States for study purposes. Zara sometimes needed subjects to discuss or once even about her career choice and I had always tried my best to guide her. And it was so heartwarming she really considered me her brother. But after our degree ended, we seldom called each other. We both got busy in our lives. Zara even got two children now. I wondered what made her call after such a long time.

I picked up the call. "Hi, Zara."

"Hello, Shaiq. How are---?" Her voice got muffled in the loud screeching voice.

I chuckled recognizing what it was. "Is that your troublemaker?"

She sighed. "Who else it can be? He is so wild, you know. "

"I do actually." He was her and Armaan's first child; a son, Haaim. He was indeed a rascal as I knew from Zara's talks about him and also saw mischief dripping through his ocean-blue eyes which he inherited from his father through the pictures Zara sent me.

"You didn't answer me. How are you? And how is Zainab?"

"I am doing good. And Zainab is also fine."

"Nice to hear. I initially called Zainab but I don't know her number was not responding so I called you instead," she explained.

I cleared my throat. "She had lost her phone that's why. Tell me what's the matter."

Zainab and Zara weren't in contact that much. In the first few years after I left, Zara used to talk to Zainab but after that, things changed over time. Zainab got my issue to care about while Zara got busy with her family.

"It's Hooria's first birthday next Saturday. I and Armaan have planned a birthday party for her and I want you and Zainab to be present there. I am inviting you both. You have to come or else I will never talk to you," she threatened me in the end which made me laugh.

"We will come, Zara. Don't worry."

"Good for you. And yes when Zainab is free, let me have a chat with her."


We hung up after that. My eyes lingered on Zara's name glistening on my screen before my mind drifted apart to the past.


Zara's eyes got narrowed in confusion upon finding me in the university premises. I knew she would come here but I didn't care about anything right now. I was damned annoyed and had lost my mind. Seeing Zainab, not at all bothered about my decision to go abroad, unhinged me. What should I do to make her understand? I tried everything. Love, anger, softness, friendship, and then at the last the fear of her losing me but nothing worked on her. Was I that unwanted for her? Couldn't she make peace with the fact that we became husband and wife even if in unusual circumstances?

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