√chapter two

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Zainab's POV

"Stop lying to me, Zainab," Shaiq sighed in disappointment as he said this.

My hand which was about to close the door stopped as I stared at him with a dropped jaw. Why was he able to read my mind, my heart every time? Why he had to know me this well that sometimes he knew me more than myself. I walked closer to him as my eyes never leaving his face.

"What lying? Do you really think I will fall in love with my best friend? That's so stupid and low to even think about it, " I spewed in anger.

"What's bad about this? I am your husband and..."

"Oh please!" I yelled as he didn't get to complete what he was saying.

"Stop with this husband, wife thing, for God's sake." I could feel my breaths getting hitched due to shouting.

I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes to calm myself down. I needed to do this for his sake. He deserved happiness and I didn't want him to live a forced, loveless, and burdened life. I again opened my eyes and looked at him who was already gazing at me with eyes gaped open in shock.

"Shaiq, I don't consider you as my husband. You are just my childhood best friend," I deliberately stopped to look at him.

I raised my hands towards him and cupped his face with my both palms. "I can never think that way about you so stop thinking about me and live your life as you want. With the girl who will love you unconditionally, who will give you every happiness."

"The girl I want in my life is you, Zainab. No one else," he whispered as he took my both hands in his bigger one.

I could feel a tear trickling down from my eyes and fell straight on my cheek as he said this. How far could he go to protect me? He was not even thinking about himself. And here I had ruined his life by becoming a burden for him. He had to marry me first just for my sake and now he was continuously lying about loving and wanting me in his life.

I harshly jerked away my hands from his grip.

"But I don't need you. It's better if you understand this thing right now," I blurt as I again tried to close the door of my room but before I could do so, I abruptly ceased hearing Shaiq's groan.

I looked at Shaiq who had an uncomfortable expression on his face than his hand which he was constantly pulling up and down. My eyes got widened in shock. I stretched my arm with a jerk and reached his hand as soon as I realized what had I done. When I was striving to close the door, he had put his hand on it for me to unable to do so. I just shut the door on his hand.

In a panic, I hurriedly took his hand in mine and soothed the back of it with my palm. I couldn't believe I was slowly becoming the reason for his unhappiness, sorrows, and now, pain as well. Like a curse, I was adding more to his problems. I needed to get out of his life as soon as possible. I softly rubbed the pulp of my fingers on his hand.

"Will you still say you don't need me?"

My moving fingers on his hand come to a halt as I glanced up at him. I didn't say anything as I kept on staring at his curious face with astonishment.

"You are not even able to see me in a meager pain. Can you really give me pain a lot more than this by forcing me to stay away from yourself?" Shaiq again asserted in a monotonous tone.

I was speechless as I just blankly gaped at him with blubbering eyes. He was talking about his pain, but what about the pain I will get when he will be no longer with me. Living away from Shaiq, without his love, affection, and care with me. Will I be really able to survive without my biggest support who is him?

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