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Johanna's pov:
After a very heartfelt goodbye to two of my favorite people out there, my siblings start our walk back towards the castle. My mates as well as the rest of my family follow us right away. just after we all entered the huge landing place inside our home. Marcus clears his throat to let us know that he wants to say something before we walk off. So like the good children we try to be, we stop and turn towards him, which gets us an appreciative smile from him in return.
„We need to go back towards our duty now." Marcus says after he got all our attention. The sad frown on dads face makes me also realize rather quickly that he will go with my uncles now too. Because our planed family day sadly won't happen now after he allowed my mates to stay and get to know me better. With that in mind, I run towards him and hug him extra tight. Hoping i will be able to cheer him up again. At least a bit! I after all never liked to see him, or anyone off my family sad, especially when I know there is something I might be able to do to change that!
„Maybe we can reschedule our family day?" I ask hopeful as he pulls his arms around my body to hug me back just as tightly. His heavy sigh brushes over my head as his body relaxes slightly. Seemingly happy that this means just as much to my siblings and i as to him. Dad truly is sensible, especially when it comes to his family. I know many only see the cruel ruler over our race, but that's not his true self. It only is an act to make sure everyone follows the rules.
„That sounds like a really good idea bambini." he replies sounding very happy and relieved that I indeed want to reschedule and not just forget our prior plans. Like I already mentioned, dad is a complete family person and I absolutely love him for that!
„If you need anything, just come right to me, or send someone to get me. You know i will always be there for you and your siblings." he adds and kisses my forehead lovingly.
„And the two of you better not make me regret giving you more time with my baby!" he sternly tells my mates while my siblings simply smirk openly at them.
„Of Course!" Jasper answers with a respectful bow that Emmet quickly mirrors. Making me giggle at their formality in front of my dad.
„Alec, Jane? Please keep an eye on the three of them for me." he asks of my siblings that would of done that anyway. Still he as well makes sure that my mates know that they better not try anything on me or make me cry again. Of course the two right away agree with reassuring eyes that they will do just that for our dad. So with a thankful smile, dad nods at them and after one more peck on my head, he along with our uncles leaves to do their duty's back in their thrones room where surely the next case is already waiting for them.
„Where Do you want to go to talk with your mates Joi?" Janes asks me with a soft smile adoring her lips as she walks towards me. Since I don't really care where we go to talk, I only shrug my shoulders. As far as I care, we can go back outside in the garden or back towards our little hideout. Those are the places I feel the most comfortable except my room, which I would like to keep as my little safe heaven since my mates have already seen our hideout outside. A soft squeeze on my hand gets me out of my thought process and back into the here and now.
„Where would you feel the most comfortable princess?" Emmet asks me with honest interest, standing suddenly right in front of me. Guess they all have gotten closer while I went off in my head.
„Let's Go back outside, what do you think baby sister?." Alec asks but honestly states with a low chuckle since he just like my sister know perfectly well that outside is where I feel the most comfortable. Well that and in my room which is in the middle of theirs to ensure that no one could come near me without them noticing. Dad and both of my siblings insisted on that placement right from the moment on we joined this coven. After a small nod in reply, we go back outside to the garden. Janie, who is still holding my hand, while Alec walks slightly ahead of us, humms a soft tune to relax me some more. It's the same tune she has been humming ever since I was born, at least that's what I remember her to do.
„The rose garden or back to the cottage baby sister?" Alec asks me after turning around to face us again. As I look around, I realize that we indeed are very near to the rose garden. The comforting smell of the roses already having a calming effect on my still frigid nerves. That does in the end make the decision for me.
„The rose garden i would say." I quietly answer.   My nerves sadly still clear to detect in my voice, even thought I tried to hide it the best I possibly could! And let me tell you, I absolutely hate it! Everyone around me always is so strong and sure of themselves, While I am the complete difference to them. No wonder that i am the only child of dad, that isn't allowed to go out on any missions! I am way too weak. It really is a wonder that everyone still cares for me even though I am not doing anything for this coven. A sudden warm feeling spreads around my body and slowly makes my happiness overtake my prior self hatred and guilt vanish again. My eyes quickly fly towards Japer who has told me not too long ago that he is an empath. So my guess is that he was the one sending me the feeling of happiness. Instead of answering my assumption, he simply takes my hand in his and starts to caress the back of it with his thumb softly. What does surprise me is that Janie and Alec don't say anything about it. But I do have to say, that his hand in mine feels way too good as to think too much into it. Only one turn later we come right up to the really pretty and delicious smelling rose garden. Jane and Alec without much thought walk straight to the small Picknick table we put there to enjoy the beautiful garden out here.
„Thank you." I softly Thank Jasper as I slowly let go of his hand, so I can walk towards my siblings since that's what they are expecting from me for sure. To further proof my guess, they have taken a seat with an empty spot in between them. So without much thought, I like always walk up to them and take my spot in between them, which gets me two wide smiles from my siblings. My mates instead of looking irritated at my move, take a seat opposite of us with soft smiles on their lips.
„What would you like to talk about sweetheart? Anything specific you would like to know?" Jasper questions me after we all have stayed quiet for some minutes.

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