8| Ice Cream

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"And finally, this is the gaming room," Matteo said gesturing to the room with LED lights, a huge TV screen, and computers everywhere.

After finishing breakfast, Matteo showed me around the house. This mansion is fucking huge, and even though I tried my best to memories all of the directions, I hope I don't get lost. My favorite parts of the house so far, are the library, the gym, the art room, and the music room.

"That's basically it. There is also the basement but I believe Dad already told you that you're strictly not allowed to go there without any of us accompanying you." He warned me seriously, which surprised me since it was the first time that I saw the carefree and playful side of Matteo evaporate.

"Yeah, he already told me," I said.

I knew that there was something dangerous and horrible going on in that basement since they had forbidden me to enter it. Maybe down there was a torture chamber or a compartment replenished with weapons—and I was honestly not surprised. I have assumed that they belong to a mafia or a tremendous, powerful, and influential gang.

They did not do a great job at hiding it. With the weapons tossed around the house carelessly and the guns strapped around their waists, or how they always seem to be on high alert, like something wrong can happen at any moment—they probably didn't think I would notice all of those things, but with mom's training, I had become even more observant than I already was.

Not to mention the powerful, destructive, and dominating aura they emit— a demeanor I have noticed, radiate from most of the people in the underworld—myself included.

I still don't know exactly who they are so I will do some research once I have time.

I was sitting on the huge sofa in the gaming room while watching Matteo play Call of Duty. My gaze lingered on the trophies on one of the shelves. Some of them were football medals—not very shocking since all the boys play football. The others were informatics awards, I assumed they belonged to Marco since he was the only 'tech guy'  in the family.

"Hey, Bella do you want to go get ice cream?" Matteo asked me in a hopeful tone while looking away from the screen and his hazel eyes locked with mine.

I smiled at the nickname he gave me. Bella. My mother used to call me that, and hearing it from Matteo—my older brother—just bought me an unexpected sense of joy.

"Yeah, why not." I shrugged as his grin got even wider if that's even humanly possible.

"Great, let's go"

• • •

"Welcome to Frozen Paradise, what can I get you?" The young woman —who worked at the ice cream shop—over-sweetly asked. She didn't look much older than sixteen, her blond hair was in a ponytail making her already uncovered breast even more exposed.

By the way, she openly ogled my brother, it was obvious that she was desperately dying for his attention—which he didn't give her as his whole interest was focused on the uncountable number of ice cream flavors in front of us.

He didn't seem to have noticed her shamelessly checking him out so I didn't pay her any more scrutiny as I wanted to enjoy my time with my older brother.

Honestly, I couldn't exactly judge her, since she was like most of the girls who fall for my brother's charms at the first glance. Not gonna lie, our family has some good ass genes. We have all inherited our desirable looks and captivating charisma.

"I'm gonna get a vanilla-birthday cake ice cream cone, what about you Bella?" Matteo spoke still not removing his gaze from the ice cream.

"Can I have a cookie and cream ice cream in a medium cup?" I politely requested.

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