16| Not a Goodbye

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I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder stomach as soon as my eyes flickered open. I looked down to see Angelo laying his head on my tummy while Julio hugged my leg close to his chest. Ale used my left arm as his own personal teddy bear. I had my right arm rested on Nicollo's chest while he placed his on my fucking face.

After the first time, we all ended up sleeping in my room a few nights ago. It became a habit. And I usually am the last one to wake up. So I never got to experience this since all of them would have already gone back to their room to get ready.

That shit is fucking suffocating. And I need to do something to get up before I pee in my pants. Cause I really wanna fucking pee right now.

"Oh my God! Wake up. There is a fire!!" I yelled loudly, faking fear and worry.

And my plan worked because as soon as I shouted, all of them shot up panicked and no sign of sleepiness what evident on their features anymore.

"What the fuck, Arabella!" Marco groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"What fire? There is no fucking fire." Dante hissed.

"Yeah, I know that. I just wanted y'all to get off of me because I need to go pee." I explained. I felt a bit sorry for waking them up when they were peacefully sleeping but peeing is more important.

"I am going to fucking kill you." My twin threatened.

"You are not going to touch her, Alexandre." Alessandro's voice echoed in the room.

We turned around to see him standing in my doorway observing us. He approached me and kiss my temple then glared at the others who were sending me murderous looks butwe all knew that they would never hurt me.

"Get ready and come down for breakfast." He announced before walking out of my bedroom when he received a phone call.

I immediately got up from my bed and ran to my bathroom while accidentally stepping on some feet and arms on my way there. I locked the door trying to temporarily escape their wrath.

When I was done with my business, I carefully got out, cautious of an attack. When I saw that everyone left my room, I let out a breath of relief and tip-toed toward my door opening it. I was still in my pajamas but I didn't feel the need to dress up, they were family.

As soon as I aked out of my room, I gasp when a white powdery substance made contact with my body and face. They really got me, I honestly was not expecting this. I look at both of my sides to see Julio and Matteo holding two bags of flour while smiling innocently at me.

Those motherfucking bitches.

"Run," I told them, making their eyes widen as they did what I told them to.

I chase after them, running around the whole house screaming. I was so close to catching them when I collided with a body.

"Be careful, princess." I recognize Xavier's voice.

"We wouldn't want you to get hurt, would we?" Angelo taunted.

I suddenly felt myself being lifted off the floor. I shrieked in surprise and tried to fight the person who was carrying me toward the sofa. I bit his shoulder harshly hoping that this action would make him release me.

"Ouch, pumpkin. That wasn't nice." Lucas said

"Well, Lukey. I am not nice." I replied. And as I was getting ready to punch him, he threw me on the sofa before I got the opportunity to do so.

The whole gang whose I disturbed their sleep today, were reunited around me seeking vengeance for what I did. The moment they started tickling me, I regretted ever waking them up while I cursed my urinary system.

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