32| Mon Ange

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"Mon ange?" She muttered again, his voice marked with disbelief.

I was just standing here. Wondering if this is some sort of psychological illusion I am witnessing after all the stress and trauma of those past few hours. Or maybe I am losing too much blood. But this can't be real.

"My God! Is that really you?" She cried out again after not hearing a response to her first two questions.

This is real. A fucking real. It is really her. My mother. Emilie Martin. She is alive. Breathing.

"Mama?" I gasped in utter shock. "H-How? I-I thought you were d-dead. We all did."

"Vladimir the fucker faked my death and held me captive all of this time." She explained.

"That motherfucking cunt. I will fuking kill him."

"It appears that your stay with your father and brothers has improved your skills in cursing." She shakes her head. "Come here and hug your allegedly dead mother."

After hearing her words, I let the numbness of my body slowly fade as I was able to move toward her and lift her in an embrace.

Her distinctive cherry scent was gone after spending months trapped in here but the softness of her skin and the warmth of her hugs were still present. It was really my Mama. 

I heard a soft murmur coming from the other corner of the room as I was pulling away from my mother. I turned my head to be met with a beautiful girl that appeared to be in her twenties. Her wrecked physical state didn't even affect her beauty much. That's how gorgeous she is. Her hazel eyes that were staring directly at my soul seemed so familiar.

"Mama, who is this?" I asked my mother.

"This is Lilith. Lilith Lopez."

It couldn't be. Holy shit. This is her.

"Javier Lopez's daughter?"

"Yes." She nods.

This is Nathaniel and Kiera's allegedly dead sister. She is fucking alive? I wonder what truly happened to her and her twin brother.

Before I could voice out my thoughts, my phone vibrated in my pocket and as I took it out my eldest brother's name appeared on the screen.

"Arabella you must be so fucking stupid to go after him while injured. What if he had backup? They would have killed you?" Leo yelled at me.

"I know, I know. It was a stupid thing to do." I admitted. "But I am fine. Nothing happened. Even though I couldn't catch him. He disappeared in the thin air."

I heard a stream of curses. "It's alright. We will find him. What's important is that you didn't get yourself killed or kidnapped. But don't think that you will get away with this."

"Oops, I guess?" I awkwardly said. "Leo I found two hostages here, could you please send in two guards and medical help. We need to get them out of here."

I decided not to tell him who exactly the hostage was because this wasn't something you could say over the phone.

"Sure. And be careful. We are waiting for you outside."

"I will be out in a few minutes. Don't worry." I said before hanging up.

My mother and Lilith were soon taken care of. There were being carried on a gurney while some doctors took a look at their injuries. I had informed them of their importance to this family and ordered them to take good care of them in the medical wing of our mansion so they could be bought downstairs to meet the rest as soon as possible.

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