🌞Chapter 7🌻

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Soft kisses, one after the other. Lips that tasted him sometimes---devoured him the other times. He gasped, trying to catch his breath, and then those hungry lips searched for him again. He parted his mouth as if to beg, and finally his chin was lifted, granting him room to breathe.


But before long, his lips were covered again. Gulf gripped the corner of the bookshelf that he'd been leaning up against. Otherwise, he thought he might collapse, as there were no strong arms holding him up.


The man's warm tongue caressed the inside of his mouth. As the sensual feeling of it turned to ecstasy, Gulf thought, 'Not again'.

The rumors he'd heard about Mew that afternoon were still stuck in his mind. He'd wanted to ask straight out whether the man had a girlfriend, but now Mew was kissing him, Gulf didn't care about anything else.

'Maybe I just really like making out.'

Mew's lips left his, and Gulf could feel Mew sigh softly. He opened his eyes slowly, and Mew's shining gaze came into view.

"Mew?" Gulf's voice was so husky, he almost didn't recognize it. He could feel the heat flood his cheeks at his own wantonness.


As those black eyes, brimming with passionate colors, gazed into his, Gulf forgot how to speak.

"Uh...never mind..."

"Never mind?"


"Okay," Mew whispered, and then he kissed Gulf again.

Mew's soft lips touched his, moved away, searched for his again, and then traced the outline of his mouth, only to move away again. Mew stroked Gulf's lips with his greedy tongue, then bit down, devouring. Gulf groaned low in his throat.

'The kisses are more persistent than usual today. How long have we been kissing?'

They'd returned to his apartment together and put their bags down. As he took off his coat, Gulf had said something inane, like, 'It's cold today.' And then he found himself being kissed with one arm still inside his jacket.

"Mmm..." he groaned. The sound of his desperation was so vivid that he jerked back. When they'd gotten to the apartment. Gulf had glimpsed the orange sunset out the window. But now, so much time had passed, the window and the room were flooded in dark blue.

'This could be bad,' Gulf thought in the back of his hazy mind. The center of his body was aching faintly. But Mew wouldn't stop kissing him. If they didn't stop now, it could get really bad. Summoning the last of his common sense, Gulf untangled his tongue from Mew. But Mew grabbed his chin, stopping him.

Startled, Gulf tried to move, but he found himself being thoroughly kissed. Even if he pushed Mew's fingers away, the heat buried deep inside his mouth kept their lips locked together.


Unable to resist, Gulf saw stars  behind his eyelids. Mew finally drew back, and Gulf used the oppprtunity to drag in a burried breath. It wasn't enough though, and as he gulped air, he realized how ragged his breathing was. The imploring sweetness in the sound startled him. Last month they'd been drunk, but now they were both sober.

'If you think about it...no, even if you don't think about it...it's obvious that two men kissing like this when they're sober is weird.'

He knew it was odd, and yet, he couldn't push Mew off or run away.

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