🌞Chapter 26🌻

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"Are you okay, Gulf?" Mew asked worriedly.

Gulf forced himself to smile. "I'm okay. I told you, it's nothing."

"Yeah, but you don't look so good."

"I'm fine. I'm just nervous because I haven't seen P'Yaya in a while."

"Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself." Mew peered at him, looking worried. Mew was dressed simply, in jeans and a t-shirt, but he still looked amazing. Just standing there, almost every woman who passed by turned to look at him. Gulf was dressed similarly, in a sweatshirt and jeans, but he didn't have the same presence.

They stood in front of the garden fountain by the train station, where they were supposed to meet Yaya. The weather was so warm that some of the people who passed by were wearing summer clothes.

"You've been down lately. Are you feeling well?"

Gulf stiffened as Mew brushed back his bangs with gentle fingers.

"Gulf?" Mew asked dubiously.

Gulf grew flustered. "Really, it's nothing. I'm fine."


"P'Yaya should be here soon."

They were supposed to meet up by two in the afternoon. The clock read ten of two, but Yaya hadn't appeared yet.


Gulf looked up to see Mew's clouded face. "Mew?"

"Are you worried about Kaownah?" Mew asked in a low voice.

Gulf stiffened again, and Mew frowned at him.

"That's all over. It happened in the past and there's nothing between us now. Trust me." Mew's voice grew more vehement.

Gulf nodded, laughing. "Yeah, I know. You told me that before."

Five days had passed since the incident with Kaownah, but Gulf hadn't told Mew about it. He figured it would be better to stay silent, than to make Mew worry.

But the truth was, Gulf didn't want to mention Kaownah. If they talked abkut Kaownah again, he'd feel that ugly jealousy. That would bring home just how strong his love for Mew was, and he'd start worrying all over again.

Gulf could stop talking about Kaownah, but that wouldn't erase the fear he felt, or get the things Kaownah had said out of his head. And Gulf's unease concerning his overwhelming passion for Mew and being together forever were just as bad as ever. If anything, his fears only grew.

What would Gulf do if Mew left him? If Mew hated him? If Mew chose someone else? What would happen to him? Gulf couldn't think about anything else. He couldn't eat or sleep. He freaked out now when anyone touched him, even Mew.

Mew must have realzied it, because even though they had so much free time, he hadn't once tried to make love to Gulf. Mew would never force him. He always put Gulf's feelings first.

On one hand, it made Gulf happy, but on the other hand, it made him impatient. Even if Mew had to force him, Gulf might be cured if Mew made love to him. His unease might disappear.

"Are you worried about something?" Mew asked, reaching out to touch Gulf's hair again.

Just then, a group of young people came to a stop in front of them. They spoke up one by one.

"Hey, it's P'Mew!"

"Oh yeah! Long time no see!"

"You waiting for someone?"

The group was made of two girls and three guys---including Kaownah. Gulf stiffened. The gaudily attired group surrounded Gulf and Mew.

"Now that you're in college, you never get back to us when we invite you to hang out. We were worried about you!"

"It's no fun without you, P'Mew."

"We're on our way to Junko's now. Come with us!"

Gulf stepped back instinctively, but Mew stepped forward to shield him.

"I'm not gonna hang with you guys anymore. I told you that already. I'm meeting someone here, so get lost," he said coldly.

The group groaned unhappily.

"Don't say that!"

"The guy with you can come too!"

"He's cute! Totally my type!"

"Ooh! Me too! He's pretty!"

Gulf ducked to avoid the arms that reached out to grope him.

"I'm not hanging out with you. How many times do I have to say it?" Mew said angrily.

Kaownah had been silent the whole time, but then he spoke up. "P'Gulf might want to, even if you don't. You seem to have primed him pretty well."

Gulf blanched at the sound of Kaownah's taunting voice. He wanted to say something back, but his throat was burning so badly that he couldn't speak. He was scared. Not just of Kaownah, but of his friends too. The new fear worked off the unease that he'd been feeling all day, serving only to deepen it. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and his feet glued to the spot. Gulf was so scared, he couldn't move. He couldn't breathe.


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