🌞Chapter 19🌻

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"You're not going home for the holiday?" Mew asked, peering into the refrigerator.

Gulf was sitting at the table with his chin in his hands, gazing at the slender lines of Mew's body. He nodded. The clock on the table said it was eleven in the morning. After they'd indulged themselves in bed, they'd fallen asleep again.

"I only go home for New Year. I just get in the way at home."

"In the way? Why?" Mew shut the fridge door and turned to look at Gulf.

Gulf notice Mew's eyes were wide. He waved his hands frantically.

"I don't mean it in a bad way. Didn't I ever mention it? My brother and his wife live close to home, and last year, they had triplets. So my mom and dad have their hands full now, taking care of all of them."

Mew made an affirmative noise, looking happy for some reason. He held out a bottle of mineral water to Gulf. Gulf took it and murmured thanks.

Mew sat down, and Gulf gazed at him. Mew really didn't have any angle from which a person could see him and think of him as anything other than handsome. He wasn't even wearing anything special, just a black shirt and jeans---but with his sculpted body and fine features, Mew looked completely polished. The off-white kitchen was the perfect setting for him, like it were a showroom.

The kitchen wasn't the only room that looked like it was from a magazine. The building belonged to Mew's uncle, who was a famous modern artist. All the interiors from the furniture to the decorations, were very tasteful and sophisticated.

Gulf had never been in a beautiful apartment like this before he'd become friends with Mew. When he'd entered college, he'd moved into a normal apartment.

Even the house his brother had bought when the triplets were born was just a simple, two-story home that had been built fifteen years ago.

"So, triplets, huh? I bet they're cute."

"Well, they're cute when they're asleep. It's funny. They do everything at the same time. Wet their diapers, cry for milk, and fall asleep, so it makes things really noisy." Gulf couldn't help smiling and Mew nodded happily again.

Mew didn't express his feelings much, that, combined with his perfect looks, made him seem cold. But Gulf knew that Mew wasn't. Mew was the calmest, most composed person Gulf had ever met. But he could also be surprisingly shy and passionate.

According to Mew, he had been in love with Gulf from the moment they'd started college. But Gulf had never noticed Mew's feelings, he'd only thought of them as friends.

It was four months ago that their relationship had changed. Gulf invited Mew back to his apartment after an end-of-the-year party. Mew had been so busy fending off all the girls that were flirting with him, he hadn't had time to drink. Gulf felt bad for him, and invited him over.

Out of the blue, Mew kissed Gulf. Gulf hadn't minded at all, so one thing led to another, and they'd ended up sleeping together.

A month passed, and Mew hadn't confessed his feelings or touched Gulf, but they kept on kissing. Mew hadn't wanted Gulf to think that he'd slept with Gulf just because he was drunk. He'd decided that if he didn't press Gulf for sex, then Gulf would believe Mew really was in love with him. Mew had believed that if he just kept kissing---and only kissing---Gulf, eventually the young man would ask him why. Then, he would confess his feelings.

But Gulf hadn't asked. Nor pushed Mew away---because it felt so good when Mew kissed him. It took Gulf a while that it wasn't lust that made those kisses feels so good, but that he was in love with Mew. Finally, though, he told Mew he loved him.

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