🌞Chapter 27🌻

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"Kaownah, did you bring these guys here?" Mew glared at Kaownah, still shielding Gulf behind him.

"Don't insult me. How would I know that you were here?" Kaownah asked with a smile, refusing to take the bait.

"What then? I've told you a thousand times...I'm not gonna fool around with you anymore."

"Yeah, but you fool around with P'Gulf."

"We're not fooling around," Mew hissed.

The other four looked at each other in surprise.

"I don't fool around anymore. I don't need to. I don't like it." Mew said sharply.

Gulf saw Kaownah's face flush and twist up in anger. It wasn't the frivolous expression he'd worn when Gulf had met him, or the careless, knowing expression he'd worn when he'd assaulted Gulf. His face was transformed by a fierce emotion.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? The first time we slept together, you told me that you'd never fall in love. All you needed was a warm body." Kaownah's raised voice held hatred and jealousy---but also sorrow. "What's so good about him? Who cares if he's hot? He's so straight-laced, he won't even do anything! Why choose him?!" Kaownah yelled.

"He can choose whoever he wants."

It wasn't Mew who answered, but the person who had come to stand behind him.

Everyone turned to see Yaya. She wore her hair in light brown which suited her doll-like face perfectly. She was dressed casually in a body-hugging tank top, jeans, and sneakers---but she was beautiful that everyone around them paused to look at her.

"I can't believe you're talking about this in the middle of the street. I almost pretended that I didn't know you."

"P'Yaya..." Kaownah had been staring at her in shock, but now, he looked down, embarrassed.

Yaya glared at him, her eyebrows drawn together. "Kao, how many times do I have to tell you that people change? No one stays the same forever. Mew changed. You've changed, too. I told you that."

"Yeah, but..."

"'Yeah, but' nothing. You're as much to blame as Mew. If you're really in love with him, you should have told him two years ago when he said he was going to stop fooling around. You've had two years to tell him, but you've just been sleeping around. And now you start complaining? You need to start thinking with your brain, not your dick," Yaya said.

Kaownah was trembling, biting his lip. Yaya's sudden appearance stole his thunder. Yaya looked at him, gave a small sigh, and then turned her glare at Kaownah's friends. Their confidence was wavering.

"I'm the one they were waiting for. We made these plans two weeks ago, so could you guys get lost?" Yaya had a black belt in karate and kung fu. When crossed, she could be as tough as any man.

Kaownah was still staring at the ground. Without a word, he turned away and his friends ran after him.

"Hey, wait up!"


Gulf heard Mew give a sigh of relief, and realized that his lover was shaking. The image of Kaownah's jealous, angry face flashed in his head. Gulf had no experience in love, so he'd never seen the malice that came from jealousy. The jealous he'd seen had really frightened him. He could hear Kaownah's voice, full of hatred, echoing in his head.

It scared Gulf.

'Is this what jealousy does to people?'

"Seriously..." Yaya muttered, staring after the kids, her hands on her hips. She spun around and glared at Mew. "You are such a dumbass! Do you really want me to kick your butt that badly?!"

"Thanks for helping us out, Yaya." Mew said, mortification in his voice.

Yaya raised an eyebrow. "How many times do I have to tell you not call me by my name?! Not to mention the fact that this is not the time to go around thanking me, you idiot!"

Gulf heard their conversation as if he were standing far away. Everything sounded muffled, like there was cotton in his ears. All he could hear was Kaownah's rage-filled voice echoing in his head.

Gulf clapped his hands over his ears, sinking to the ground. But he couldn't escape Kaownah's voice, so full of jealousy and malice. His chest hurt. He couldn't breathe. He was scared. He was so scared, he couldn't move.

"Gulf?" Mew knelt down and shook him by the shoulders. Gulf's body jerked forward. Without thinking, he pushed Mew's hands away.

"Gulf..." Mew lifted his hands off in surprise.

"Sorry," Gulf whispered. "Sorry...I'm going home..."

Gulf turned away from Mew and managed to stand up. He ran, without turning back. He ran as  hard and fast as he could, stumbling a few times. He just wanted to get away from the terror he felt.


He heard Mew calling him, but he couldn't stop.


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