🌻Chapter 30

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The phone next to the refrigerator rang. Mew's face sprang to mind, but he knew that ir couldn't be Mew. Mew would've called his cellphone. He knew that, but he couldn't help wondering.

He laughed a little. "Excuse me," he told Yaya and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Oh, Gulf? It's Ice."

Ice was his sister-in-law. With an effort, Gulf made his voice sound cheerful. "Oh, hello!"

"Is AA over there?"

"My brother? No. Why?"

Gulf could hear Ice sigh. Ice had been in high school with his older brother, and she's been in a girl gang and was pretty tough. It was unusual for her to sigh like that.

"Could you let me know if he comes to see you?"

"Sure. Did something happen?"

"We had a little fight. I was really angry. I'm worried about what he's up to."

It was also unusual for her to be so evasive. His sister-in-law really knew how to handle his brother. Maybe it helped that she was older, but she always had him eating out of the plam of her hand.

"All right. I'll give you a call if he shows up."

"Thank you, sorry about this," his sister-in-law said and hung up.

'They seem so close, but even those two fight sometimes...' Gulf thought absentmindedly.

They were happily married with kids, and they still fought. Maybe they felt uneasy sometimes, because they were so happy.

Gulf gasped. 'A fight! Mew and I have never gotten into a fight before.'

He had been too scared of the uneasiness and the fear---so scared that he'd hidden his true thoughts. It would be impossible to have a fight that way.

"Well, I'm off then," Yaya said.

Gulf turned to see that Yaya already had her hand on the doorknob.

He made a quick bow. "Thank you so much for taking the time to come."

"Hey. I told you not to stand on ceremony with me." Yaya laughed, and Gulf laughed with her.

"Sorry. Um, I'll walk you out."

"Oh, don't worry about it. It's still light out...and you seem to have a visitor anyway," Yaya said, throwing the door open.

For a moment, Gulf was sure it would be Mew, but the figure standing at the door was his brother, AA. He seemed a little shocked to see such a beautiful girl coming out of his little brother's room.

"P'...." Gulf couldn't help sighing.

'I'm such an idiot. If I want to see Mew so badly, why the heck did I push him away?'

"Oh, this is your older brother? Nice to meet you," Yaya said, smiling.

She nodded to AA, who stuttered. "He-hello."

"Well then, it was nice seeing you. Yaya waved to Gulf and set off.

AA stared after her, dumbfounded. He had come on his motorcycle wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and carrying his helmet.

"P', come in," Gulf said, and AA turned, his mouth hanging open eyes wide.

"P'Ice called," Gulf said, cutting off whatever his brother was about to say. "Just so you know, that woman is not my girlfriend."

His brother glared at him suspiciously. He hadn't taken Gulf's invitation to come in, instead he leaned against the open door, his helmet in his hand. Gulf stood in the entry way, facing his brother.

"You liar. You totally sighed when you saw me."

"She's really isn't. She is married." Gulf said with another sighed.

AA raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
Gulf and AA have different personalities. AA was cheerful, while Gulf is always been the quieter of the two. The difficult older brother, and the easygoing younger brother. Both their family and the neighbors thought of Gulf as much more level-headed than AA.

Maybe those opinions had an effect on their relationship, but Gulf didn't have many memories of his brother ever covering for him or being especially nice to him. Aside from when they were very young, they'd never spent much time together. It wasn't that they didn't get along, they just weren't especially close.

"That girl is married? Really?"

"Really. When have I ever lied to you about something like this?"

"That's true, but..." His brother ran an awkward hand through his short hair.

Silence reigned.

'If I was more like my brother, I wouldn't worry so much..." Gulf thought. He would have been able to think more positively about his relationship with Mew.


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