🌻Chapter 13

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The voice was clear and pleasant, and Gulf couldn't help looking up.

He flinched when he saw the snow-white coat. It was her. The woman he'd seen with Mew yesterday was now standing in front of him, sporting a mischievous smile.

"Oh, good. I've been looking for you." She nodded a little. Her smooth hair fluttered gently. She was even more beautiful up close. "I'm Yaya. Where's Mew?"

"I haven't seen him today."

"Oh, he's not with you?" she asked.

Gulf shook his head automatically.

Yaya hummed at that, and then reached out and touched his arm. "Why don't we wait together in that coffee shop? We can see Mew coming out the gates."

"Huh? Wait..."

Yaya dragged him after her. They were right in front of the school gates, so the area was full of students. Some people looked up at the beautiful woman who had appeared, but no one spoke to them.

"This college is a really good school, right? The girls and guys here are really hot. I wish I could retake my exams and go here. Oh, but then I could only be with Mew for two years..."

Gulf finally managed to find his voice as Yaya walked on through the gate. "P-Please, wait a second, P'Yaya."

Yaya came to a surprisingly smooth stop and turned around. "What?"

"What...um, what's going on?"

"Going on?" She gazed up at him with her clear brown eyes, and suddenly Gulf was at a loss for words. She really did look like a beautiful doll.

"Well, I mean, how do you know who I---?"

"Mew didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He didn't even mention me?"

'No, he hasn't.'

Gulf had just seen them talking together, looking friendly with each other. A sharp pain shot through his heart at the memory. This woman was Mew's lover. It didn't matter whether it was an affair, or if she wasn't married at all. Mew had kissed this woman. Mew had held her in his arms.

The base of Gulf's skull was suddenly hot. A wordless passion welled up in his throat. But Yaya just looked at him, completely unaware of what Gulf was feeling.

"He really hasn't mentioned me?"

Gulf couldn't answer her. All he could do was press his lips tight against the emotions that were choking him.

Yaya arched one finely shaped eyebrow. Then she looked away and said in a fierce whisper. "That idiot..."

When Yaya finally looked up at Gulf again, her expression was apologetic. "I'm sorry, Gulf. He didn't meant anything by it. It's Mew's fault for being so lazy."


"Really, how can he just abandon a sexy guy like you?" Yaya asked, lilinking her arm with his and starting to walk again. She was far stronger than her frame suggested.

"P'Yaya. I'm going back," Gulf said, trying to get her to stop.


"Well, you're meeting up with Mew, right? I'll just be in the way."

"I'm not meeting him. I just came to check up on him."

"Check up...? Hold on..."

As Guld tried to shake off Yaya's arm, a voice called, "Yaya!"


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