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Before I could look over my shoulder I am already forced around. I stare up at Maximus and see him looking at me crazily.

"Beau...what are you doing?"

"Maximus, I do have feelings for you; but-."

"But nothing! Why are running once again?" Maximus growls at me, causing me to frown.

How did he find out that fast? I just turned in my form to be removed from the group... I wouldn't be surprised if he completely threw that out.

"Am I not allowed to leave on my own free accord?" I ask him calmly, and his eyes widen.

He sighs deeply, only to inhale sharply. I could tell he was probably trying not to become Unhinged. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

"Why...are you trying to leave me? What did I do this time?" He questions me, and I don't say anything. "I'm waiting."

"It's not that you did anything. I just don't want to waste anymore time than I already have. I can't...keep doing this-."

"I will do anything for you to stay here, absolutely anything." He interrupts me firmly, grabbing my hands. "I would end it all...this competition. I only like you, I will do it if you bring me to that point."

"Don't..." I shake my head, except I soon see him step back. My eyes widen as he rushes away from me.

I rush after him even though it was kind of a lost cause.

He really was out running past people and I saw them look at us. Except I couldn't let him ruin everybody's chances...they came here for a reason. I can't be the reason why they don't have a chance.

By the time we make it into a separate part I stop.

"Maximus please!" I cry out loudly, and I see him stop now. He looks over his shoulder at me with this very desperate look on his face. "Don't end it all just for me."

"You...are the only one I want out of this." Maximus tells me firmly, rushing towards me as he grabbed my arm tightly. "I should've ended this all a long time ago. As soon as I saw you...I didn't care about anybody else. As cheesy as that may be, I'm not saying this out of mere convenience."

I look up at him sadly because I didn't want him to do this. I didn't want to be the reason this all ends...and I'm hated even more-.

I suddenly feel a hand cradle my face, Maximus leaning towards me. He kissed me so abruptly and I was surprised by the suddenness. Except I didn't try to go against it...I wanted to kiss him too.

Suddenly I feel his other hand grip my waist, causing me to become nervous since I wasn't used to this. I found my legs stumbling back some only for him to catch me easily.

He pulls back some and I don't know what expression I must've been making...but whatever it was it had him smiling softly. My eyes divert off of such an expression.

"How could I not fall madly in love with someone like you?" He questions me, and I don't have anything to say.

"I don't know..."

"I do." He smiles, stepping back as he bows his head at me. "I'll do what you want. If you want me to end this competition at this very moment...I'd do it. I'm just that madly in love with you that I'd go that far."

I felt my face become warm...very warm. I look away shyly again and I nod in understanding.

"Can I...give you a response in a day or two?" I tell him quietly, and he nods happily. "Okay, I will truly give you a response. I'm serious."

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