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|Beau & his friend Julian 🔝***

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|Beau & his friend Julian 🔝


I found myself becoming a little bothered, stopping in my tracks. I waited until I could see him in front of me.

Though it became apparent that he wasn't passing me. Before I could turn around I felt something go around my neck. I instantly feel in surprise - only to feel a necklace on my neck.

"What are you giving me?" I ask him when I felt the necklace was on. When I face him now he had a bright smile on his face, looking creepily content.

"A little present - to celebrate you healing...and also because my mom didn't want this necklace anymore. Said I could give it to whoever I pleased - whoever would suit it most." He tells me, and I look to see Genevieve walking past us.

She suited the necklace I was given much more in my opinion.

"Why not give it to someone who actually wears jewelry? Or who'd truly suit it better?" I question him now.

"In my opinion - you truly suit it better than anyone. I also get a feeling that you don't really believe me." He raises his eyebrows at me when I don't deny it. Even though that was so he asks me to follow him.

Trust me - I didn't want to; but for some odd reason we were out of the cameras view. That made me...a little nervous.

We seemed to only get farther from others and that's when I finally stop.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask him seriously, my arms folding to my chest. "Isn't this - I don't know...ambiguous?"

Maximus looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I could tell he understood what I meant and he instantly snorts.

"It is quite ambiguous- good choice of words; but whatever you're thinking - no. I have a surprise for you." He tells me as I see him open a certain door.

My eyes narrow on him as I draw nearer, and when I get to the door I gasp. I look back at Maximus as he had the biggest smile on his face, and then I face back forward with even more shock.

"Julian!" I exclaim at the door. Seeing one of my only good friends...excluding Erik - now I can see that.

"Beau!" Julian exclaims loudly as he rushes to me. The both of us hug tightly and it was nice to be near someone I actually know. Someone who isn't my enemy and wants to bring me down. 

"Julian how did you get here?" I ask him breathlessly as I try to catch my breath. We pull away and I see him nod behind me.

I look at Maximus with narrowed eyes, seeing him smile. He gave me the biggest thumbs-up - mimicking me. Though I didn't understand why he would do this for me after everything these days.

"Isn't visiting days next week?" I question him to see if I was missing something.

"Yes they are, but I could tell you weren't happy. After everything going on - you needed this. I don't want you to I hoped this would change your mind. You needed some time with your old I brought one to you. You seemed like you needed it." He murmurs to me with this kind expression in his eyes.

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