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"Yay! It's snowing!"

I look at Knox as I watch him toss snow up into the air. Practically had on three coats to avoid the cold weather altogether. To see everyone look so thrilled to be here was weird.

We were no longer at the castle and were moved to a winter vacation house. In my opinion...I think that's completely absurd.

I stood out here in displeasure to all of this. Except as soon as I saw Maximus come outside I dug in my pocket. That's when I come upon the list of how I had to do this.

The manga that girl gave me was of some assistance. I was a little...nervous because it didn't make sense. Had to make my own interpretations and not to mention some of the stuff was just...not me. Didn't want this to be too staged.

The first thing on the list was to...try something new with him. Engage in conversation until there comes a point where I ask him something I haven't done. I need to...try and bond with him.

How do I start though?

"Do I just...go up to him?" I ask myself quietly, seeing him playing outside with some people as I stood in the bungalow.

This was more difficult than it should've been.

"What are you holding?"

I look over my shoulder at the sound of Vero's voice. Saw her holding spare gloves in her hands as she extended them towards me.

"What are these for?" I ask her as I take them, stuffing them in my pocket quickly. I didn't want these to ruin my plan for later on today.

"Answer my question first. Are you planning something?" She raises her eyebrow, smirking at me as her eyebrows wiggle. Except I shook my head fast and hid the paper now.

"No. It's just a little mantra. You know...reading it to myself to calm my soul." I lie, taking a deep breath in of the cold air. The crispness burning my lungs as I exhale and see her nodding. She looked skeptical, but she didn't bother arguing.

"I brought the gloves because you seemed to have forgotten some. You seem to have the worst tolerance for cold yet you stand out here. Aren't you, like, afraid you'll get a cold?" She questions me as she adjusts her scarf.

Except...I wasn't worried at all. It's what I had planned - kind of.

In the manga the main character happens to get sick, and his lover will take care of him. Not that I'm saying Maximus is my lover, but he'll fill in for that character.

"I'm not worried. Have on multiple jackets."

"You call these little things 'jackets'?" She questions my suit jackets I stacked upon another. I didn't really try for this...I had a plan and now she's questioning me to the point that I'm lying every second!

"Yeah...I don't have a lot of clothes like you guys do. I'm not rich, or poor. I'm on the cusp of poor." I nod slightly, and she snorts. "I'm serious."

"I didn't deny it. I just...I don't really get it, but okay." She backs up now, waving as she nods inside. "You can come inside anytime. Want me to make you some hot cocoa?"

I shook my head no, and she nods. Once she was gone I face forward quickly.

She took up four minutes of the time I should've been spending - going after Maximus! My plans are being foiled!

Now I step out from the bungalow. About to rush to Maximus as he made his way towards a different part of the little groups. Except right when I did I find myself being shoved into.

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