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"Are you crazy?!" I shriek at Maximus as he sets me down on a hill. We were miles from the castle now. He didn't even bother looking at me.

He collapses on the ground, sitting on the grass and shielding his face from mine.

"Maybe. You made me this way."

"I didn't make you anything! I got a concussion and you're blaming me for what exactly? Take accountability instead of blaming me!" I snap at him, and he snickers. "What's so funny?"

"You and denial are best friends." He mumbles loud enough for me to hear. "You deny, deny, deny. How about for once you be honest. We're away from the one can hear you but me."

"I...I don't care." I shook my head, folding my arms. I stick my nose up at the thought of always denying. That's false.

He was right about one thing.

The castle was a small dot from where we were. I could see the lights were all on probably looking for Maximus. I can't imagine how crazy it's going over there...

"You do care. There's no cameras, eyes, prying ears, none of that. No one can make fun of you or know what you're doing with me at this moment-."

"Except you. You could make fun of me again. If I had another paper would you tear it up in my face?" I mock him, and he looks up at me.

He shook his head at me, and I snort.

"You hold grudges too."

"I do not-!"

"There's the denial." He interrupts me, and I shake my head at him. "Just be honest with me for once. Is that so bad to ask for?"

I lick my lips, looking away from him and start to stare idly.

"Be honest about what?"

"I'm not doing this game with you. You know what. Enough of this...just be honest. What do you think will happen in doing so?"


I shake my head, running my hands over my face. Needed to keep a strong front...but it was faltering at this very moment. That's when I finally look at him and he was already looking at me.

I stared at him, the words I longed to say couldn't leave my lips. They stayed silent...refused to budge. He continued to look up at me and hold a gaze of pain and hurt. I knew he wanted me to say something.

Except I couldn't.

"I understand..." He mumbles, resting his hands on the ground. I see him close his eyes and it was only continuing to get darker outside.

When I look up I saw the sky was very clear. It made it more painful in an odd sense. I could feel in my heart what I want to say, but something keeps me from doing so.

"You understand what?" I was able to ask him, causing Maximus to look up at me...suddenly grinning solemnly.

"I understand that you like me. You can deny it all you want, but I know you do." He stated calmly, and I sigh quietly. "Don't even bother denying it-."

"I'm not going to deny it." I interrupt him loudly, and I sit on the grass beside him. " gets more painful with time."

My lips tighten into a straight line, and I start picking random weeds for comfort.

"Can I just say...that I" I stop, taking a deeper breath in. "I do like you Maximus. I just didn't want to be...hurt. I didn't enter all of this liking you - I didn't think I'd even get in. Though I did...and now it's harder. I do have feelings for you, but I don't want to experience the same thing. I can' that."

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