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"I just wanted to make're okay."

I look at Maximus as I laid in the bed. I notice him grin down at me and I sigh.

"Do I not look okay?" I ask him.

"You look like you're over everything," He says simply, causing me to snort, "I am too, you're not alone."

I run my fingers through my hair while he looks at me. Beginning to sit up, I look at him more correctly. There was this awkwardness...whilst I looked at him. It didn't feel real - the idea of having to pretend.

It's so silly, having to go to this extent. Why take it so far?

All they wanted was to see me fail, to be unhappy. I guess they want that for their son too. Because I mean this in the most not cocky way...their son is completely in love with me.

I don't know anymore. All of this is...very telling of what kind of people they are. It's telling of what kind of person everybody is; and all for what?

"I feel alone, I am about to be alone." I mutter, sitting up from the bed. I begin to get up and was surprised to feel Maximus grab my hand as if I needed help.

Now I just look at him, wondering if I should say something about that. I was never one to like aid or be helped...I just think it's silly. This time I chose not to say anything on it.

"What about...Knox and Vero?" He asks me quietly as I walk us downstairs. Taking him towards the front door, I stood before it with him.

"I have them, true. I don't think I'll be bringing them into this drama. Who am I to involve them in this-?"

"It doesn't make you anything. There's nothing wrong with wanting a friend in the process of all this. I...I am sorry." Maximus ends up apologizing to me.

"I...I don't need another apology, it's fine. I should've expected this, no - I knew something of a not so good degree would come to this extent. I didn't know it'd be so recent. You've only eliminated two people while I was in comatose...and they already are going this far when it's nowhere close to the end..." I inhale sharply, grinning sadly. "I'm very hated."

I abruptly see Maximus step closer towards me, kind of shocking me a bit.

"If I can prove to you...and everyone that you're the one I want out of all of this - fuck that date." Maximus took my hands, and he looked at me closely. "I'll end the whole competition."

I felt my eyes widen upon him by his words, but they soon go back to normal.

"You might...have to prove me wrong but...I don't think you'll do it." I tell him truthfully.

"I'll just have to prove it to you."

Looking into his eyes, I see him nod firmly.

" have a week to do so. I'm a little skeptic, truly. My trust has dwindled down to almost nothing." I confess to him, seeing him nod in understanding. "You...can easily change that. I really want prove me wrong."

I see him smile at me, nodding even though he looked kind of worried.

"What is it?"

"Believe...that I will feel the same way about you despite all of this. I will end it all...I really will do it." He insists to me, causing me to grin. "Please...don't stop me. I can show you that my feelings for you will persist. Even if...I can't associate myself with you or acknowledge your very being. Don't take it for more than what it act."

Beginning to nod at his words, I sigh deeply as I step back from him. Our hands separate and he looked at me for a bit longer. He steps back now and right when he does it was as if it was on cue.

UnhingedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora