i had never wanted to be with someone more than right now

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kens pov:
I knew I should pull away. Tell him It was wrong but If It was so wrong then why did I want him so bad?

He was leaning in and I was leaning in as well when suddenly our sides were switched.

"Seriously?" I told him. He just always had to be dominating didn't he.

"Kenny boy, as much as I like you, you know I would never let myself submit to you, your just too fragile, like a flower." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, he still to be rude didn't he?

I pushed him off and started to point towards the door.

"You know if you don't want to be with me you can always just-"

"Shut up Kenny boy."

All of a sudden I felt his lips pressed against mine, moving in ways I never even knew were possible.

This kiss felt more needy and passionate than our last kiss. It was like a hunger, a need to be with each other. I had never wanted to be with someone more than right now.

I pulled away for a split second saying,

"You know we're both terrible people for this Ryan." I told him exasperated from the kiss.

"Everyone's done terrible things, people that say they don't are liars and liars are bad people." He said while continuing the kiss.

I knew I could fight these feelings as much as I wanted, but ryan was right. Maybe this didn't make what we were doing good but I would drive myself to insanity if I kept fighting myself over this.

Me and ryan were now on the bed, with ryan on top of me and me below him. While my tongue slipped inside his mouth I could smell the cologne in his hair that I used to hate. Now all I wanted to smell was his cologne.

Me and ryan didn't even get glimpses of each other's faces at this point. All we were focused on was the connection and passion we were feeling right in this moment.

I suddenly felt a sudden burst of confidence and flipped ryan over. He smirked at me and I leaned down kissing him softly. Let's just say this soft kiss didn't last for very long.

Soon we were tugging at each other's hair, longing for the connection and the taste of each other's lips.

Ryan started to take off his shirt and I did the same. I wanted him. Right now. But I couldn't, not without breaking up with barbie. It was just the right thing to do.

His tongue was literally just in your mouth, why are you so scared to go to the next level? Are you sure it's cause of barb-

Shut up subconscious! My subconscious was wrong. It was because of barbie and that was that.

"Um ryan I-" I started.

Ryan looked deep into my eyes and responded,


"Do you think it's okay if we stop, I want to go all the way with you but I can't right now with barbie." I told him nervously.

"Yeah of course." He said with his soft eyes staring up at me.

This was the first time I'd seen the true soft ryan, and I loved it.

We both started to get up and pull our shirts back on.

Once ryan was dressed he started to go out the window.

"Ryan you know you can just go through my door right?" I told him chuckling.

Ryan stood there dumbfounded at first but his expression changed quickly to that smirk that I secretly adored.

"Yeah I know, but it's cooler this way."

I face palmed myself and rolled my eyes. But just as he was about to go out the window I asked him out of instinct,

"Ryan what are we?"

His soft composure had returned and he told me,

"I don't know Kenny boy, but there's something."
He said slightly awkwardly.

We stood there in a moment of silence and when he was finally about to leave I blurted out,

"I don't have feelings for barbie anymore."

Ryan stared at me and just as I was about to scold myself to running my mouth and being so stupid he told me,

"Me too Kenny boy, me too."

Ryan & ken enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now