hehe get ready everyone

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again, sorry i haven't updated in a bit i was on vacation and i've just had a lot going on but i'm going to try and update more

Kens pov:
Everything felt immensely uncomfortable in the car. Skipper was driving, even though she just only recently got her license. But I just brushed it off since I wasn't in the mood to feel responsible.

We were driving a large black van so that nobody would see us in the backseat. In the van there were only two seats in the front leading Raquelle and skipper to call them almost immediately.

I guess me and Ryan were stuck together.

The car faced a couple of bumps along the road, making me and Ryan bounce up a couple times. But all I could see was the back of Ryan's head. He had his head turned from mine, and even though I couldn't see a single face expression I knew he was thinking deeply.

I didn't even want to waste my time trying with him. I don't think either of us did to be completely honest. 

Instead, I leaned my head back, counting down the minutes till we made it to our location.

Supposedly, barbie was supposed to be getting prepared to leave Malibu. She's told the world she's just going on vacation, when in reality she's traveling to spread bad news about us.

If the world believes her lies then me and Ryan might have to go into hiding, maybe even possibly Raquelle too.

We drove and drove and drove for what felt like hours. In reality, it was probably only one hour or so. But in my mind it felt like eternity just sitting there with Ryan.

Suddenly, I felt the van come to a stop. The brakes screeched, and I quickly jumped up, preparing myself for what was coming our way.

The trunk opened up wide, leading me to squint my eyes in order to adjust to the sudden brightness. Me and Ryan jumped out of the van just as quick as it opened. I'm pretty sure Ryan didn't want to be in that van just as much as I didn't.

"Are you guys ready?" Skipper questioned, giving us one last chance to back out.

As if we had a choice, ha.

"More ready than i'll ever be." Ryan responded i'm sarcasm, still not even looking at me. Although I couldn't talk, I've barely even glanced ryan's way this whole car ride.

Since when was I so obsessed with whether Ryan was looking at me or not?

Wait, why was I even asking these questions now? I had to put in all my focus into this task. If I screwed up, i'd be ruining it for everybody. Now isn't the time to worrying about stuff that didn't even matter, for all I knew me and Ryan were done. He asked me a big question, I hesitated. It's as simple as that.

I'd been thinking so much about Ryan I didn't even take the time to notice my surroundings. We were standing in front of the giant hollywood sign in, you guessed it, hollywood.

I had no idea how skipper managed to park the car up here, but she did somehow. Skipper always had a knack for figuring out the impossible.

"Okay, just a little more walking and we'll be there. Do we have everything?" Skipper was pacing and pacing in worry. She seemed to have a lot on her back for being so young, if she's doing all this just to end Barbie, Barbie really must have hurt her.

We started walking, supposedly Barbie was on a cliff, getting ready for takeoff. Raquelle stayed behind to talk to Ryan. I was talking with Skipper when I decided to ask the question i've been wondering for quite a while now.

"Why are you doing all this just to end Barbie Skip?" I asked her curiously.

"She threatened to kick me out Ken. She said it was a disgrace to be bi, I remember her saying that being bi doesn't even exist and then look at her. She's such a hypocrite and I hate her." Skipper tried to play this all off playfully but she failed terribly.

"Do you think it's possible you feel hurt by her?" I suggested, stuffing my hands in my pockets in the process.

Skipper stayed silent when I spoke those words, answering my question. There was definitely a lot of anger in Skippers heart, but the leading cause for that was all true heartbreak. Skipper used to adore her, and Barbie betrayed her.

"I'm sorry Skipper, I know how much that has to hurt." I told her. I was trying my best to comfort her, only hoping it was helping her feel better.

Ryan's pov:
I was walking alongside Raquelle, hoping she wouldn't mention who I was hoping she'd mention.

"You know you love him." She said out of the blue.

I scoffed at her abrupt statement. "Yeah, I do. But he doesn't love me." I stated in a very childish manner.

Silence engulfed us for a few seconds, but Raquelle broke it very quickly.

"We both know that you can't give up on what you two have. It's too special to just let go of, and you know that." Raquelle then crossed her arms and walked right in front of me, passing me.

I stopped in my tracks, was she right?

Yeah, she is. But I don't want to admit it.

But my thoughts were soon interrupted by loud gasps. I heard silent shushes and abrupt moving. I quickly went up to see what the rest of the group was seeing.

What I saw was shocking. Barbie had a helicopter, but that wasn't the shocking part. She had tons and tons of intense weapons, all of them looking like they've been sharpened at least ten times a day.

But the most surprising part that i'd never expect from "the most perfect girl in Malibu" was the lines and lines of cocaine.

Barbie wasn't just a bitch, she was smuggling drugs.

What else was she hiding? I guess we'll find it all out soon enough.

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