an unexpected visitor

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Ryan's pov:
I'm a selfish person. I always have been. Ken gave me this sickening feeling to care, to feel the feelings i've always been afraid of noticing.

But my selfishness hadn't just melted away overnight. I was still me, and I didn't want to give ken up. I was in love with him and giving him up meant giving up the one person who made me truly happy.

To do the right thing would mean giving Ken up and I couldn't do that. But deep inside my brain the horrible truth kept eating at me. I had to pick one.

"You don't understand Ken." I started, my frustration starting to build up inside of me.

Ken walked up to me, standing closer than he should. "I completely understand Ryan, you just refuse to notice other possibilities." He uttered out.

Then once again our eyes locked, going into an intense focus. Then, he kissed me. I should have pulled away from the poison and love that was put into the kiss but I didn't.

I kissed back with all my might. It was strange, there seemed to be something more alluring about being in love with someone you can't have.

All of a sudden we heard someone clear their throat behind us. It was Barbies little sister, the teenager.

"Skipper? What are you doing here?" Ken exclaimed.

I felt my blood boiling up inside of me when I saw her. Her sister is the reason we're in this mess, she was supposed to stick to the plan but she didn't.  I can't believe I almost got twisted into this family.

I started towards her my fury spilling through my head. But I didn't make it far before Ken stopped me.

"Look, I promise i'm not here cause of Barbie. I'm actually here to help. Me and my girlfriend have a plan." She said quickly. But she soon realized what she admitted.

Ken looked surprised. "You have a girlfriend?" He asked.

Skipper blushed and said, "Yeah we started dating a bit ago."

Ken beamed with happiness as if he was receiving the only good news he'd had in hours and to be honest, it was.

"I'm really happy for you skip." He said smiling.

"Look I don't want to interrupt your happy moment but how do we know we can trust her?" I asked unsure.

Skipper inhaled as if she were about to give a big speech. "I've been wanting to say this for months but I can't stand barbie. She constantly told me how it was wrong to be gay when she was gay herself, or at least using Raquelle."

Me and Ken exchanged glances with each other wondering the same thing, but skipper answered our question for us. "Yeah I know about Barbie and Raquelle. I walked in on them a couple weeks ago. But anyways, i've hated living with her and I think we can all agree she needs to be taken down." Skipper said.

Me and Ken both looked at each other and nodded our heads. It was risky to trust Skipper but did we really have a choice?

"Okay. Let's do it." Ken spoke to Skipper.

Skipper nodded her head and looked around the rooftop. "Where's Raquelle?" She questioned.

Me and Ken scanned the roof looking around for where my sister might be. We looked around until I remembered, she was in the broom closet!

"Guys remember she's in the closet!" I hollered to Ken. It only took a moment however for me to notice the irony of my words.

Ken face palmed himself as if he was an idiot and walked over to the broom closet. He stood there awkwardly for a second but quickly mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

"Hey Raquelle. I know you must be in a lot of pain right now but we need you." He uttered.

When he got no response he shifted uncomfortably from his standing position, getting ready to walk away until I heard a familiar voice.

"Ken, please explain why your talking to a door?" Raquelle asked with a grin on her face. She strutted towards us with a new outfit on. It was probably her best outfit yet.

It was a gorgeous dress with silver stilettos, and breathtaking jewelry to match. She looked confident and like nothing had even happened to her.

"Raquelle we've been looki-" Ken started before Raquelle interrupted him.

"Yes I know Ken, you need me for the plan. And i'm ready." She said with a smirk that quickly turned to a scowl when she noticed Skipper was there.

"What's she doing here?" She asked angrily.

"She's one of us. She's going to help us." Ken responded, his voice filled with hope.

Raquelle glared at her for a moment but then resumed to going back to her smirk.

"Well then, let's take down this bitch." Raquelle yelled with a cackle.

I knew my sister, and I especially knew she had no mercy on her enemies, especially one who cheated on her. Unless Barbie was different and meant something to Raquelle. Then who knows how this whole thing could play out.

Me and Ken could get our happy ending, or our worst nightmare turned into a reality. There was no in between, that was just the harsh truth.

And I wasn't quite sure if I was ready for what was coming.

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