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5 years later

The breeze felt cool against my already cold skin. I suppose it was cause I was on the rooftop. Liquor was what I used to drown it all out. I don't think i've gone a single day where Ryan doesn't pass through my mind.

Damn you Ryan. Your love has ruined me, but fixed me at the same time. I've gone on the occasional date here and there but nobody can compare to you. What's the point in even trying? I've put on a mask since you've left, everyone thinks i'm doing just fine but they don't really know. They don't know about the tears i've shed for you for a year straight. After the tears stopped, that aching feeling in my chest didn't stop. Every night was now tearless, but I could still feel the pain I felt when I saw your body fall to the ground.

So here I am, sitting on the rooftop where we had our first kiss. The rooftop where I realized you meant so much more to me than I thought you did. The rooftop where our love story began. Or maybe it started when we first met, I remember when you insulted me I immediately disliked you. But as much as you irritated me, I fell for you the moment I saw you.

I looked up at the sky. I wonder if Ryan can see me right now. Over the years it's gotten better, but the pain hasn't simply left me. I had to watch you die, and I don't know if I can ever get over it. God why did it have to turn out this way.

My fingers started to clench the bottle of liquor tighter and tighter as I reminisced on that horrid night. The cops showed up about ten minutes after they found Barbie dead. Thankfully, we had proof of how we were innocent and they saw who Barbie really was. They arrested midge, forcing me to leave Ryan even though I put up quite the fight to stay.

Raquelle has her own museum for being a national hero, she's finally being recognized, just like how she always wanted. Barbie was incredibly dangerous, and a major threat to society. Raquelle knew she was going to die and yet she still sacrificed herself.

Everyday is a struggle when it comes to thinking of Ryan. I can't remember the last time I contacted a friend, or shaven. Everything in the past feels like a blur.

I shouldn't be taking this long to cope, but everyone's death have put me into this ongoing cycle of dreading everyday that comes.

I averted my gaze from the dark night sky to the stairs. The stairs where everything changed. I had to turn my head away to avoid the pool of tears that I knew were coming. I buried my face into my hands, yelling into them. All I wanted was to scream.

"I hope i'm not interrupting something." A disembodied voice spoke, coming from what I assumed was the stairs. She had her hand on the railing for support. "You're not, besides I was just leaving." I said hastily, just wanting to be alone.

"Wait-" She began, stopping me from leaving the roof. "Are you Ken Clarkson by any chance?"

Confused, I nodded slowly, wondering how this old lady knew my name. She took a deep sigh, looking up at me. "I'm Ryan's mom."

My mouth slightly dropped open in shock. I was at a complete loss for words. "I'm probably the last person you want to see, considering what happened. But I've been trying to find you for years since I live across the country and Ryan forgot to tell me his location. I lost the address and well, that's pretty self explanatory." She explained to me. She fumbled with her purse, appearing to be looking for something.

She then pulled a letter out of her purse, keeping it firm in her hands. All those years ago he mailed me this letter to give to you. I hadn't spoken to him in years due to many reasons but he still trusted me. He didn't have anyone else that he trusted so he told me to give you this letter if he well, died."

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