Dubbing a knight. A blow to the heart

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Note   Despite what is following, don't count Uberto out.

Chapter Fifteen

        Uberto had never felt so strong or so pure. He had prepared himself physically and mentally with all his will for tomorrow when he and seven others would be dubbed knights. One was not accepted. Uberto had prayed to be worthy. He had bathed in the nearby stream, and is now in his room with Guy and Wotano. They all are fitting on the pure white outer tunics with the insignia of the House of Tiberio.

         Uberto puts it on with pride. He knows it was made by Carina. Father Carlo has already arrived from Nice, and tonight Uberto and seven other men will pray before the Blessed Sacrament to be worthy of their calling. Guy, Uberto and Wotano do not speak to each other. The night is a holy night and together they walk quietly to the chapel.

       Father Carlo talks to them and then says the words of benediction. The large white host is raised high and they bow their heads. Then Father Carlo puts the host in the monstrance and sets it on a table in front of the altar. The chapel candles are extinguished except the two on each side of the monstrance. Father Carlo tells them to pray that they may be worthy of knighthood. He will hear their confession in the morning before mass. He leaves. All is quiet.

        The eight men kneel before the monstrance. No one speaks. Hours pass. The night is long and Uberto tries to keep his mind on God and the angels and saints. He asks for their help. He thinks of Carina. Her love is more important to him even than becoming a knight. Tiberio has told him when he is knighted he can then ask for her hand.

        Uberto feels the strength of his manhood and he vows to love her completely with every ounce of his being. Never will there be such a love as theirs. He cannot wait to ask Tiberio to give her to him in marriage. He promises himself he will do so tomorrow after the ceremony. He crosses himself. He has let his mind drift. The night is long. He is half asleep.

        Early the next day, Uberto and the others to be knighted make their confessions. Soon afterwards, the people of the manor begin assembling in the great hall. The musicians begin playing the inspirational music of the Church, and when the hall is filled almost to capacity, the solemn high mass is begun. Uberto and the others to be knighted kneel before the altar in front of all the people and listen as Father Carlo reads the epistle and the gospel. His homily is directed to them, instructing how the love of God and neighbor applies to the lives of knights.

        Uberto holds himself rigid and does his best to listen but his mind is wandering and his lack of sleep is making focusing on the sermon difficult. Finally, the mass is over. Then the eight turn to face the crowd. They kneel and place their swords in front of their bodies, blades pointed to the floor. Father Carlo comes to each man, rubs oil of chrism on their foreheads and on the palm of their sword hand, asking God's blessing on them and all their deeds. He sprinkles holy water on each sword, blesses them, and consecrates them to be used only to do the will of God.

        While the priest was anointing the blades of the others, Uberto lifted his eyes toward Carina. She was sitting in front with Tiberio and her family. Briefly her eyes met his. He could not read her expression. Otherwise her eyes were cast down, in prayer. When Father Carlo finished, Tiberio, and an assistant carrying a silver tray, rose and approached them. Tiberio was wearing a ceremonial chasuble, white, trimmed in red, and he carried a great sword with an ornate handle. He stood before Guy, the first man to his right, and said to him. "Do you swear fealty to me and to the people of my domain to protect and to serve with your full strength before God and man.?"

        "Yes, my Lord," answered Guy. Then Tiberio, using the flat of his sword, brought it down twice on Guy's right shoulder and twice on his left. "I pronounce you knight of the manor." Next, Tiberio took a wedge of grass and gave it to Guy. "This is a symbol of the fief of land you shall retain in my domain for as long as you shall live."

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