A fight that did not go well

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Chapter Nine

         In the morning, those who would be knights assembled outside the walls of the fortress at the designated place, where the terrain was relatively level. Uberto counted eight swordsmen and four archers besides himself. Giancarlo and Tiberio were there, but none of their knights. Uberto recognized most of the young men, having seen them helping with the fortifications. However, there were three whom he had not seen before. In particular, standing out by his difference, was a lithe, dark man whose skin was as brown as a coconut.

        Giancarlo and Tiberio stood near the wall of the fortress and Giancarlo addressed the men. Motioning to the four archers who stood together, he said to them. "You four may leave for now and return to finishing the embankment behind the stockade. You will be called when we are ready for archery practice." As the four departed he spoke to those remaining. "How many of you have killed a man? Let me see your hands. Good," he said as five hands were raised. "Those of you who have killed, how many of you have killed  someone who was wielding a sword or other weapon?"

        The number of those with raised hands now dropped to four, including Uberto who noted the dark man also had his hand raised. "Excellent. You, at least, have first hand knowledge of what it is like to face someone who wants to kill you. The rest of you will learn as best we can teach you how to wield your weapons so you can survive a sword fight. Nevertheless, your training will not be easy, and if I find you do not have the aptitude for learning to kill effectively, you will not remain in the select group who will become knights. Far better for your sword stay in its holster giving you the appearance of fighter than for you to draw it and be mowed down by one who knows how to use his steel."

        "For practice we will use wooden swords, heavier probably than yours, and each of you will also be given a buckler. Some of you may be used to fighting without one, but I assure you, none of the great armies of the world have fought without shields. You should know it is also a fighting tool, and if you can knock your opponent to the ground or off his stance with it, so much the easier to kill him."

        There was a pause and Tiberio came forward to speak. "Men, I know you have come from many different backgrounds. Nevertheless I'm sure you all can appreciate the importance of a secure fortress. Here, with many of you helping, we are close to finishing a stronghold able to withstand a major assault. We will be depending on men like you to meet any enemy who threatens our security. In return you will receive a fief of land on the manor, to be worked for your benefit by peasants. You will become an esteemed and integral  part of our domain and will share full measure in its prosperity. Giancarlo and I will teach you all the skills necessary to win in armed combat. The rest—the hard training, the single mindedness of purpose, and the resolve will be up to you."

        "A minor task before we begin," said Giancarlo, "will be for each of you to cut down one small, straight tree six or more inches thick and tall enough to be at a man's height when buried securely in the ground. You will plant it here on the training ground, at least twelve feet from any other tree. These stumps are called pells. For some of you it will be your first enemy, and you will learn how to strike it hard and quickly. Return here this afternoon and we will begin. You won't need your horses for training."

        As the men rode to the forest, Giancarlo's last two statements stirred up a lot of discussion. The first, because it wasn't at all easy to cut down a tree, hew off its branches, haul it and plant it. The second, because the traditional idea of a knight was fighting on horseback.

        "I've heard of using a tree to practice against," said Uberto to his companions, Wotano and Guy, "though I've never seen it done."

        "I don't know how it will do any good," said Wotano, "but I'm willing to learn if that's what it takes."

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