Together, Carina and her knight

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Then he sat up straight. Gancing in her direction he began to play. At first it was without accompaniment, as he gently teased and plucked the strings. He began singing, softly at first, and then with more volume and mellowness. As he played, he at times scanned his audience, but he more often looked down at his instrument and seemed to be playing only for himself.

      Carina closed her eyes and attentively listened to the music. She heard no love songs. Instead, they were songs of heroic deeds and epic battles. He sang them well, with spirit and zest, yet at times she heard in his voice a touch of sorrow. She came to the realization he was not always the lighthearted person he seemed. He sang two other melodies,  both giving praise and thanks for the beauty and bounty of nature.  

        "He played very nicely," said Antonia to Carina and Giancarlo, and they began clapping, thinking he was finished.

        Uberto stood up, thanked those who had been applauding, and said, "This song is for a special maiden. He glanced toward Carina, caught her eyes and then looked up into the air as if he were recalling a memory. Accompanying himself with his lyre he sang:

                        There once was a woman of beauty,

                        whose eyes were as bright as the sun,

                        whose heart was made of purest gold,

                        but whose love might never be won.

                        Dark were the thoughts of the maiden fair,

                        thoughts of trouble and endless concern,

                        and she saw not the heart that was given,

                        the one that for her only burned.

                        Time passed, and the stars above spinning,

                        called her to waken and witness the light,

                        but she looked straight ahead, not believing,

                        and a mist seemed to cover her eyes.

                        At last, the mounted knight found her,

                        and kissed her soft lips in the hay,

                        till slowly she lifted her downcast lids

                        and saw many things a new way.

                        No longer need the view be so dark,

                        when two stand together as one,

                        for joy that is able to roll back the clouds,

                        on the morrow will bring forth the sun.

       Carina did not miss the meaning of Uberto's song. She wondered if it was part of his repertoire or if he had recently made it up. It was well done and despite herself she would remember it. Did he really think of her in such a way?

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