Help, from the man she rejected

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         That night Father Carlo was invited to Tiberio's spacious suite. Tiberio's senior man at arms, Corrado, was there and the three of them drank wine and talked much about the Muslims. Then Father Carlo, garbed in black, his balding head shining,  broached a new topic.

        "I have been talking with Bishop Gregorio. He has been kept abreast of the increasing size of your manor and its people, Tiberio. It is his considered opinion that your domain has grown large enough in size to support a pastor."

        "Ah, Father, that is good news," said Tiberio. "We shall be glad to have a man of the cloth to offer his intercessions on our behalf and to look after our people's spiritual needs. Would you be the one he would send to minister to us?"

        "Maybe, although there is a recently ordained young man he might also send. There is one requirement the bishop is insistent on."

        "What is it?" asked Tiberio.

        "A church must be built. One worthy of our Lord's presence in the tabernacle."

        "That is a lot to ask, Father, as we have already spent months enlarging and strengthening the fortress," said Corrado.

        "I know, I know," said Father Carlo, waving his hand as if to ward off further protest. "I have told him so myself. Bishop Gregorio is a patient man and does not expect Rome to be built in a day. I believe were the threat of the Saracens to pass he might even send workers to help with the construction. Now, however, that is impossible."

        "I understand," said Tiberio. "There is still much left to be done to prepare our people for an attack. Once we are fully prepared we can lay out a site and begin excavating a foundation. I don't know why the bishop won't assign a priest now. We have a chapel and until a church is built mass can be said in the great hall as it is now."

        Father Carlo didn't attempt to answer for the bishop, and the other two knew he was not in a position to do so. Their conversation went to other things of lesser importance until Father Carlo got up saying, "It is late and I am tired from hearing so many confessions. Thank you for your hospitality. I'm going to bed now." 

        As was to be expected, the great hall was crowded the next day for mass. Overflowing into the hallways, it was attended by more people than ever before. The manor was growing in size and number, adding more peasant farmers and their families. Augmenting the size of the congregation on this day were those who seldom attended. Father Carlo encouraged all the people to come into the hall, exhorting those inside to make room for them. He even asked for assistance to move the altar table back to make more space.

        Carina stood by her father, his sister and her younger brother, Amadeo, at the front of the assembly.  The rest of her family was nearby. Trying not to be too conspicuous, she surveyed the crowd, looking for Uberto. She didn't see him, not surprising, as taller people blocked her vision.

         Father Carlo started the mass with a song. It was a patriotic melody that almost everyone knew. The hall resonated with the uplifted voices of the faithful. When it was time for the readings, Father Carlo broke from tradition. Instead of speaking to the assembly in the Latin as written, which many at that time in history no longer understood, he translated the words of scripture into the vernacular Latin of the people. It made the epistle and the gospel far easier for them to understand.

         Father Carlo may have given a good sermon, but Carina's mind was wandering. She had told the priest after her confession that she was more interested in Uberto. Now she found her thoughts going frequently to the handsome young knight. She wished his training was finished so he would be accepted as a knight by her father. Then, they could be married. How much longer was the constant practice to go on? 

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