A dangerous trip

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Author note:

Thank you for reading this story of Carina, a girl of marriageable age who doesn't go by the rules of her time.

Skim, if you like, to get ahead in the readings, but wouldn't want you to miss out, for the excitement builds quickly.

A big thank you to BobJan70, who created the first wonderful cover, and to Chocolov3r who made the second, the one that now appears on Amazon.

Dark Age Maiden

Chapter One

Breathless, she felt she could run no further. The maiden glanced back again for her pursuers. Not seeing them she fell to the ground, exhausted. Looking ahead, she saw tall grass leading into the forest. A cool wind darted about her. She had a long way to go, and the prospect of traveling alone through the forest was not a happy one.

She grasped the handle of the small knife she carried at her waist, her only protection. After a short rest, she stood up and continued toward the rim of the forest. Making her way through a tangle of shrubs, she disengaged the wild thorns that caught at her clothing and reached the canopy of trees blocking the sun. Gradually the shrubs and weeds gave way, and she could walk easily.

Carina's determination showed in the set of her lips and the flash of her green eyes. The dim light of the woods revealed the smooth, sun touched skin of a girl become woman. Her tousled auburn hair betrayed her part Germanic heritage. Her recurrent self dissatisfaction was not evident. She wished to be a proper lady, but her training had been meager. Even now, her escape and urgent journey was more appropriately carried out by a man. It fell to her because she alone took the risk.

Her well formed body was concealed by her attire-unfitted brown traveling clothing, a hood she could raise to cover her hair, and sturdy leather boots. She traveled toward the walled city of Nice, Francia. There, the mysterious Count Giancarlo commanded a garrison of knights protecting the city. She remembered him from her childhood, a figure in black, a friend of her father's. He was her only hope.

The darkness of the forest engulfed her, though from time to time breaks in the trees allowed her to see sunshine. She charted her course carefully, watching for old footprints or the marks of hooves showing she was on the right path. Morning changed into midday, and she took off her cloak as the afternoon warmth penetrated the gloom beneath the trees.

Once again, she briefly rested before continuing, knowing if she didn't push on she would be caught in the woods at night. Abruptly, she heard the voices of men in the distance. Terror swept through her. Like a cornered animal, she sought a place to hide. The voices quickly became louder, and in desperation she rushed up a hill. Finding a massive log lying on the ground, she slipped behind it. Breathlessly she waited, hoping they would pass by.

They didn't. Carina heard a man speak, and as she listened she heard the sound of horses departing. Her heart beat faster as one horse continued moving toward her. Only an experienced woodsman could have followed her footsteps through the fallen leaves. With rising dread she heard the hoof beats come closer. Then silence. The stillness was soon broken by soft foot falls moving stealthily toward her.

Peering from behind the log, Carina saw him approach, sword in hand. She looked away, her heart racing. She could tell he was not one of the Giabaldies who had been pursuing her. She dared not imagine what he wanted. She carried no gold coins. If she ran he would see her and likely catch her. If she stayed he would surely find her. She placed her hand on the butt of her knife, choosing for the moment to wait rather than flee. If he didn't know she was armed she might have a chance.

The man continued toward the fallen log. "Lady, I mean you no harm," he said.

Carina remained hidden, ready to jump up and run if he came any closer. He must have stopped, for she no longer heard him moving. Then, of all things, he began to sing. Despite her terror, she couldn't help but notice the soft tenor of his voice and the lightheartedness of the tune. She thought she had heard the melody before, a child's song.

Carina flushed. What kind of game was this? Who was he? She edged low, face near the ground. Covering her head with her hood, she espied him from the end of the log. The man was sitting on a rock, his sword thrust into the ground. She carefully backed away and considered her adversary. He was young, dressed in black, with no recognizable insignia. His demeanor expressed relaxed confidence. She wished he would leave.

It soon became apparent he was not going to leave. He began to sing from a repertoire of love songs, songs that at another time and place might be pleasing to a maiden who was romantic. He sang softly, with feeling, and she knew he directed his voice toward her.

Carina had never before come across anyone so foolish. Did he think he was wooing a lover? Not me, she thought. She realized she had little to fear at the hands of this misguided dreamer. She got up from her hiding place and looked him squarely in the eyes, studying him. He was young, narrow through the hips and waist where his tunic was cinched, and broad across his chest and shoulders. His hair was dark and wavy and a lock fell across his forehead. His eyes seemed to look through her. Although his smile appeared friendly, she felt it mocked her helpless predicament, a woman alone facing a stranger in the woods.

"Aha, my music has had its intended effect," he said.

"Save your music for someone else," she countered. "I have business to attend to and must be on my way."

"Whereto, if I may ask?"

"To Nice, though it's none of your concern."

"I am going there myself and will escort you. A woman should not travel these woods alone as robbers and beasts lurk in the shadows."

"How do I know I can I trust you?"

"By Saint Martin's cloak, I am a knight, almost, sworn to serve and protect."

"What of the others," she asked. "Where are they?"

"My two friends? They have gone on to Nice.

"And you, why didn't you go also?

"I am not in so much of a hurry that I cannot stop to help a lady. Besides, would you not be frightened if all three of us came to look for you? I offer you my protection and my horse for the journey."

Carina regarded him more closely, hiding the fear she still felt. She noted he spoke magnanimously, as if he were used to offering assistance. She hastily considered her only other option-walking alone through the woods. Riding would make the journey far easier. In a subdued voice she said, "Since we are following the same path." She hoped she was making the right decision.

He led to his horse, mounted, and helped her get on behind him. She had no inclination to ride sidesaddle as she was an accomplished horsewoman. Nevertheless, she felt embarrassment without her riding clothes, especially as his bare legs were coming in contact with hers. Thankfully, he said nothing. She tried to ignore the heat that came from him. She couldn't help but notice the effortless skill of his movements and the width of his back, despite having no interest in him whatever.

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