A new girl, but he can't forget HER

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        Wotano and Guy went out the door, leaving Uberto alone. He extinguished the candle and sat in the semidarkness of twilight filtering dimly through the small window above. His heart wasn’t in dancing or music. He sat dejectedly on the bed staring into space. He was a now a knight, but what did it mean to him when the one he would be a knight for was gone.

        He thought of their meetings—the first time he saw her on the trail and was stricken by her charm even then, to their last time together at Coco’s house. How she had changed from her initial distrust of him and distaste for his music to asking for him to sing and to laying in his arms wanting more.

        He had expected to sing to her and please her for the rest of his life, but no more. She wasn’t worth giving his all for. She wanted wealth and power instead of love and music. Maybe he had misjudged her, seeing only good in her instead of seeing her as she really was.

        If that is what she wants, he thought, she shall have it. Let her have power and a man who has made love to many women instead of a man with a steadfast love for her alone. Uberto rose from his bed. He was angry with Carina as well as himself. He saw now she was not the woman he thought she was. Taking a cloth and a piece of soap, he cleaned and rinsed in the large bowl of water, drying his face before walking out of the room. He was going to dance.

      He had already heard the music from his room. As he approached he could tell they were playing a country round dance. On entering the great hall he saw that all the tables were moved to the sides leaving a large area in the center. There must have been two hundred people dancing, and he stood back and watched.

        Most of the young knights were there along with peasants young and old. He smiled at how some of the peasants made up their own steps, adding an extra kick in the air, bowing, and joking with one another. He watched for Carina and saw she wasn’t among those on the floor. Then he scanned those dancing, looking for the prettiest woman he could find. He saw an attractive young girl with laughing eyes who beckoned to him.

        He moved toward her, and she released the hand of the woman next to her. He stepped in, trying to pick up the beat of the music. The melody ended, and the girl candidly regarded him, while continuing to hold his hand.

        “I am sorry,” she said, dropping his hand.

        “For what?”

        “I mean for holding onto you like that.”

        He surveyed her, taking in her trim, curvaceous figure, her dark wavy hair, full lips, short nose and dark eyes. “Don’t be. I’m trying to place where I’ve seen you. I know, at your father’s forge.”

        “Exactly. I help him sometimes. Especially when we were making all the pike points.”

        Uberto smiled at her. “That’s hot work and dirty too. Very heavy for a woman.”

        “I am stronger than I look,” she said.

        The musicians began playing again. It was a dance for couples. People of all ages took to the floor and Uberto extended his hand in invitation to the blacksmith’s daughter.

        “What is your name?” he asked as they moved together to make way for more people still coming onto the floor.

        “Tonia is my given name.”

        The floor was now crowded and they danced closer to one another to avoid being bumped. Uberto glanced at those nearby. He saw Wotano with the full figured girl he would soon marry. Then he caught a glimpse of Carina in the arms of Giancarlo. Had her eyes betrayed some unspoken emotion? As he and Tonia turned slowly in cadence with the music he watched for Carina.

        Between the moving people he saw her. She was also looking toward him. His heart jumped as their eyes briefly locked on each other. It was only a momentary glance, but Uberto felt there was something sincere in her countenance. He wished she was not being held by another man. She still had feeling for him, he could read it in her eyes. Why was she doing this to him? Betrothed to Giancarlo and looking at him as if she wanted him? It wasn’t fair.

        The music ended and a horn sounded, signaling there would be a speech or an announcement. Tiberio stood at the front of the hall. Next to him was Giancarlo. “I have a most happy announcement to make to all my people,” said Tiberio. “One to make us all proud. My good and noble friend, Count Giancarlo of Nice, who rescued us from the Giabaldies, who supervised the training of our knights, who has applied his considerable knowledge to the reconstruction and enlargement of our stronghold, thus enabling us to grow in size and strength, this man,” he lifted his hand to Giancarlo, “this great and noble man has asked for the hand of my daughter in marriage.” Motioning to her, he added, “Carina, my lovely daughter, come to the fore.”

        The hall erupted with applause, cheers and whistles. Carina went to her father, kissed him, and then turned to Giancarlo who gathered her in his arms and planted a kiss on her lips. They turned to face the crowd which had unremittingly continued to cheer.

        “Speech, Speech!” somebody said and the people picked it up and began chanting it. Tiberio nodded his head and raised his hand, asking for silence. The crowd stilled and he told them the time for speeches would be at the wedding. Tiberio then turned and spoke quietly with Giancarlo.

        Giancarlo stepped forward, and raising his voice said, “My dear people, I speak thus  because you have been so hospitable to me. You have been my home away from home.”

       There was loud cheering at his words.

        “My joyful wedding to Lady Carina awaits only one thing, the vanquishing of the Umayyads. When the Saracens have been defeated and driven back, you will be invited to the cathedral to witness our vows before Bishop Gregorio. Then we will all dance again and feast sumptuously to celebrate the uniting of two families. One thing remains to be done—victory over the enemy!” He raised his sword arm to the sky. The ovation was thunderous. When it died down Giancarlo, escorting Carina, and Tiberio returned to their seats, and the music began once again.

        Uberto left the hall. He had seen enough, and at the moment he was too depressed even to dance with Tonia. The thought of what Giancarlo said kept going through his head. What if the Umayyads are not vanquished? he thought. Would it mean there would be no wedding, or only that Tiberio’s people would not be invited to Nice? Uberto knew if it were he who was espoused to Carina, nothing except an enemy outside the walls would delay his marriage to her. What was more important, to wait for a military victory or to celebrate a marriage? There was no doubt in Uberto’s mind.

Note   Without a doubt, he still loves her. And she? In the next section they will spend time together--in a very surprising way. Comments welcome. Thank you so much for your reads and votes.

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