Excitement in town

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Author note. For the daughter of a lord, who lived on a manor, a trip in the town is filled with excitement and new experiences. Some of them similar to, and others much different than towns today. If not interested in life as it was lived then, skip ahead to get to fighting, intrigue and attraction.

        He hesitated, and seeing the resolve in her countenance, made a slight bow. "I will let him know."

        Carina closed the door. Turning around, she clasped her hands together, happy she would soon bring relief to her embattled household. She prepared her few things for the morrow. Looking up where the sunlight entered the high room, she saw there were still many hours left until nightfall. She would need to do something to occupy her time. She glanced around the room and noticed a cabinet. When she opened the doors, she saw large and small books on the shelves. Most were old and dusty.

She opened one tome and then another before closing them. She couldn't read, at least not well, and she didn't want to spend her time trying to decipher what they were saying. Impetuously, she spun around in the elegant suite and let herself fall backward on the huge bed. Already she felt relieved. She believed Count Giancarlo's strong force would be able to break the siege, ending the hardship and lack of food her people had long endured.  Already the weight of her pent up fear was beginning to lift.

        As she lay on the bed, the light streaming through the upper windows called to her. She became enthralled with the idea of seeing the sights and sounds of Nice. Sitting up, she wondered if somehow she could. Were she only responsible for herself, she would leave Count Giancarlo's stronghold, dressed as a youth perhaps. However, she couldn't take the chance of meeting someone who might waylay her. Especially as everything depended on her leading Giancarlo tomorrow to her father's well hidden fortress.

        Putting aside her thoughts of  seeing the town, she went back to the bookcase. She pulled out several volumes, opening each one before selecting a book with larger lettering. It seemed the easiest to read. Her father had accorded her some education, far more than most girls received. Life had been too busy, and she realized she had already forgotten much of what she had learned.

Thumbing through the slender volume, she picked out a short selection. It was in Latin, of course, the only written language she had seen. Still, it was a far different Latin than that which was spoken. She read the words quickly, not understanding at first until it became clear it was a treatise on friendship. Then she read it slowly, beginning to understand at last what the author was saying. She heard a knock at the door. Without rising she answered, "Who is it?"


        She rose and went to the door, unlocking it.

        He glanced to where she had left the book on the bed. "Ah, you have been reading. Good. So few can anymore."

        "It's not easy for me but I have been trying."

        "I will do it for you. What are you reading?"

        "A book of Cicero, I believe. Thank you for offering, but you have important things to do, don't you?"

        "That is why I am here. To suggest we have dinner together."

        "I am not hungry yet, thank you." She looked at him, thinking in broad daylight she could trust him. "Would you show me the city?"


        As they exited through the heavy door, Carina felt her excitement rising. She had only once before been in a major town. They rounded the hulk of Giancarlo's stronghold, and the sights of the city came into view. She saw it was laid out in an oval pattern with the high defensive walls surrounding everything and the houses and shops lined right up to and against the walls. She and Giancarlo turned down a short street and immediately joined a bustle of people.

Dark Age MaidenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora