Medieval wedding blues and a terrible wedding night

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As it turned out, almost everybody wanted to go to Nice to celebrate the wedding festivities. Since the Saracens had been defeated and the Giabaldies were not nearly so strong as before, Tiberio was willing to let the majority of his people go. Still, the defense of the fortress required some knights, archers and pikemen to remain. Tiberio asked for volunteers. Not enough men came forward, so Tiberio resorted to having them draw straws. To ease the disappointment of those who lost, he promised on his return each would receive one eighth of a hogshead of his best wine.

        On the next day, they set out soon after first light. It was an impressive sized entourage, with mounted knights and archers stationed at both the fore and rear for protection. In the middle area were more knights plus over a hundred people of all ages whose only transport was their feet. These were followed by pack horses laden with supplies and long pikes.

        At the moment, near the center of those traveling, three women rode the horses of Uberto, Guy and Wotano. They were Wotano’s girl, Guy’s, and Tonia, the dark haired blacksmith’s daughter. Several paces ahead of them, rode Asara and her daughter with Coco, who walked alongside. Three of the women had been engaged in incessant chatter, as well they might, for in Nice two of them were going to be wed. Marriage had exempted both Guy and Wotano from having to draw straws to determine who would have to stay to defend the fortress. To be sure, their wedding was not going to be a major affair like Carina’s. Theirs would be celebrated the next day at a much simpler ceremony conducted by Father Carlo rather than the bishop.

        The company came to a welcome halt at a clearing in the forest. Due to the presence of children and older people it was necessary to make several rest stops. This time, as it was near noon, they would eat the main meal of the day. After traveling so long in the cool, dense forest, the warmth of the sun on the meadow was appreciated by all.

        Uberto and Tonia went ahead to join Coco and Asara and their child. As they unpacked their provisions, Uberto introduced them to Tonia.

        “Pretty,” said Asara, drawing her hand over her own head as she looked at Tonia’s long black hair.

        Soon, the two women were communicating in a limited way and sharing their lunch despite Asara’s minimal vocabulary.

        “All now alright,” said Coco, turning to Uberto. “Hard believe.”

        “For now,” said Uberto. “That the Saracens will give up after losing one major battle, I  find hard to imagine.”

        “Enjoy today. Who know what comes.”

        “Yes,” said Uberto halfheartedly. He was not looking forward to the wedding. He managed to add, “Tomorrow we will eat and drink well.”

Chapter Nineteen


       The weary travelers arrived after sunset in Nice, and Giancarlo’s cooks provided a hastily made light supper for them to eat in the great hall. Accommodations were made available for everyone, though it was necessary for four or five people to share an apartment.

        On the morning of the next day Carina rose early. A light tapping came at the door. “Who is it?” she asked.


        Carina unlocked the door and her sister-in-law came in bearing a trencher laden with a variety of foods and two mugs.

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