Knights choice, and battle

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    "You moved beautifully with him, sister," said Amadeo, interrupting her reverie.

        Carina remembered to exhale. "He is mesmerizing. So smooth."  She turned in Giancarlo's direction, allowing herself a quick glance before looking away. By this time the peasants had taken the floor and were doing a lively round dance. They so obviously enjoyed themselves that Carina was captivated with watching them. She didn't notice Uberto until he stood before her. 

        "Come," he invited, holding out his hand.

        She stood up, not understanding what he had in mind.

       "Let's join them."

       "But it's a common dance, and I don't know it." 

       "It's easy. You'll enjoy it. Just follow my lead."

        She took his hand, not knowing if she should really be joining in, and in no time she had learned the simple step. Uberto looked at her with pride, and she noticed that she was getting many glances and smiles from the peasants . Soon, she completely forgot her reservations and wholeheartedly joined in.

        The band played several country songs, and by the time the tempo slowed she was tired, glad to sit down. She sipped her wine, and looking around, noticed her father smiling as he approached her. 

         "You looked delightful enjoying yourself, my daughter. Your mother would be proud to see you tonight. She loved dancing of any kind."

        "Really, father? Then you must also do the country dances."

        "With her I did, many years ago."

        "Aha, father, you have not forgotten. Dance with me."

         "Just one."

        He caught the attention of an instrumentalist, requested a dance, and soon Carina was swept up with him and the others in a rousing number with a quick two-step beat. In the midst of their whirling she was beaming at her father. Sometimes he seemed old to her, but at other times, like now, his vitality surprised her. Out of breath, as the music ended, she was glad to be escorted back to her table. The evening continued, and the tempo of the music slowed. Carina found she was in demand by both Uberto and Giancarlo.

      During pauses in the music she began to think about them, comparing how she felt about each. With Giancarlo she felt sultry, very much aware of her femininity and the power of the man who held her. Not so with Uberto. With him she felt confident and adventurous. She found herself wanting to be playful with him, even impish. She resisted the impulse, for it was plain that he cared for her. In their own way she supposed they both did. Nevertheless, she didn't feel comfortable with all the attention she was getting and decided she would leave . Letting it be known she wasn't feeling well, she actually was beginning to get a headache, she excused herself and asked Amadeo to escort her to her room. Alone, she thought about the evening and suddenly realized there was a definite animosity between Giancarlo and Uberto. Veiled, but unmistakable. It was the last thing she wanted.

        The next day Tiberio summoned Uberto, Guy and Wotano. He told them of his plans and invited them to join him. He praised their valor and told them he needed fighters who would  also be willing to help with enlarging the fortifications so more people and animals could be sheltered within its walls. He offered a six month trial period. If they mastered the training for knighthood and decided to stay afterwards, they would be given land and charged with protecting the manor and its people. Their loyalty would be sworn to him, and he in turn would provide for their needs. As their liege lord he would also arrange marriages for them, with their input if desired. Tiberio's last words were, "Think about it, men. It is an honorable undertaking, protecting the lives of our people."

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