Love scene # 1

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         Giancarlo looked out the small window of his room. By the dim light of innumerable stars and a half-moon he saw the fields of the manor. He had been busy in the past two weeks making plans with Tiberio and directing his own men as well as the labor of many of Tiberio's farmers. There was much he had needed to show them for things to be done correctly.

He gazed at the double row of sturdy tree trunks now securing the much enlarged courtyard and eyed the recently built wooden towers providing lookouts as well as a first line of defense. Beyond the wall he saw in the distance the deforested meadow already being turned into farmland by the "new ones,"—the peasants who had come to Tiberio's domain seeking protection. Clad mostly in rags with no assets but the few things they carried with them, they had suffered hardship, famine and terror. Happy they were to find a landlord who would let them work the land in return for protection and shelter.

         Giancarlo's thoughts turned to Carina. He had not seen enough of her. Now that the manor was secure, there would be more time. Although Tiberio was ready to give her to him immediately, Giancarlo would play a patient game. He knew Roman blood flowed in her veins as in his own, and he was aware she had once turned down her father's choice for marriage. Such intransigence was not often permitted. Certainly no German maiden would be allowed to do what she did. Her self willed nature presented a challenge, but in the end it would only sweeten his ultimate conquest.

         Giancarlo looked forward to the day he would have Carina for his own. He had found in her a woman worthy of his attention. Unlike other ladies, she was not proud, and yet he knew her to be willful and impulsive, qualities that excited him. Giancarlo had little doubt she would eventually consent to become his bride. He wanted more. He wanted to capture her heart as well as her body.

Now that the manor was secure, he would have time to win her. He was not worried about Uberto. What did such a youth know of women? What did he have other than lack of years? Besides, training for battle was about to begin. Giancarlo knew in a swordfight it was very unlikely a youth could overpower strength and experience. He looked forward to the day the two of them would meet.

        The next morning, Giancarlo was in the stable, outfitting his horse for a ride. He still preferred to do it himself for he felt a personal kinship with his steed. He had mounted and was ready to ride to the gate when he saw Carina making her way to the stable. He hailed her and dallied until she came nearer. Dismounting, he walked with his horse to her.

        "I will wait for you."

        "You don't need to, Giancarlo. It will take some time for me to be ready."

        He stayed near the entrance and the stable boy came to him with a question about the placement of stirrups. After talking with the youth for a time, Carina came out leading her horse.

        "A fine looking creature you have, Carina."

        "Thank you. Callista is a great horse, a gift from my father."

        They rode out of the gate together. As they trotted their horses on the lanes separating the farmlands she asked him, "Now that the main fortifications are finished do you have other plans here?"

        "Yes, now we will work on creating a band of fighting men able to defend the manor. From what I have seen it will take much time."

        "Why do you think so?"

        "Few carry a sword, certainly none of the peasants, and aside from your father and my men few can be seen practicing."

        "But every available man has been called out for building and strengthening the fortifications."

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