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The smell of smoke
just makes me miss
you even more.

Yoongi glared at Jeongguk, thanking jimin for the cigarette underneath his breath. He leaned over towards Tao-Yu who had a lighter.

Tao-Yu glanced at Jeongguk for a second, before lighting the cigarette up. "If Taehyung finds out we made you smoke we will have detention forever", Jeongguk grumbled out.

"You are scared to have detention?", Yoongi asked as he took a hit of the unhealthy stick. His nose scrunched up. He was not even sure if he liked the cigarette.

"I just know Taehyung very well", Jeongguk mumbled out. The young male leaned over and took the stick Yoongi had between his lips.

Yoongi frowned but decided not to complain. "Is he your teacher as well?", Yoongi asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Jeongguk shook his head. "No, not my teacher. I know his brother", Jeongguk said, pressing Yoongi's cigarette out.

Yoongi slowly nodded his head, slowly getting up. No way he would spend more time around Jeongguk. He noticed the male was not in a good mood.

"I will see you later tonight", Yoongi said before walking out of the kitchen, into the livingroom filled with people.


Yoongi was wandering through the rain alone. He hoped Jeongguk would have searched for him after 30 minutes of being in the livingroom alone with strangers. But no one came.

So there he was, absolutely hating the fact he even went to the party. He felt like slipping in his little space and ramble his problems out to his plushies.

But he couldn't, he was outside all by himself.

He was alone again.

And he even missed Jeongguk, why would he miss Jeongguk? Maybe because everyone seemed to smoke nowadays.

The smell of smoke made Yoongi miss Jeongguk even more.

Yoongi's caramel brown eyes glanced at a car that stopped beside him. "Get in", A voice could be heard. Yoongi's eyebrows furrowing.

That was till the window rolled down. "Are you going to stand there all night in the rain? Let me bring you home", Taehyung said.

Yoongi quickly got into the car, going with his hand through his own hair. "Sorry, I thought you were a creepy guy", Yoongi admitted.

Taehyung would hum, starting his car again. "What were you even doing outside?", The teacher asked.

"Jeongguk invited me over for a stupid party", Yoongi grumbled out, slightly kicking with his foot against the hand glove compartment of the car.

"Keep your feet down", Taehyung said, pushing Yoongi's leg down. Yoongi puffed out his cheeks, glancing out of the window. "Could you please tell me where you live?", Taehyung asked afterwards.


Taehyung glanced at Yoongi, frowning. "I cannot drive you home, if you don't tell me where you live", Taehyung said.

"Just want bwear".

Taehyung now decided to park the car, gently placing his hand onto Yoongi's shoulder. "What's wrong Yoongi? Are you feeling okay? Did you smoke something?", Taehyung asked.

Yoongi glanced at Taehyung, quickly shaking his head. "Wan home, bwear", he said, glossy eyes staring up at his teacher.

Taehyung's jaw clenched, pulling out his phone. He for sure would call Jeongguk. He wanted to know what Jeongguk gave Yoongi.

lipstick || taegikookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora