Chapter One

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Jeremy is pulling on his work shirt as Daphne knocks on the doorframe, he hums in acknowledgement but moves around the room to get ready for work. Daphne smirks a little and then clears her throat, she wants him to turn around and look at her. She didn't just get Elena a gift, but she did actually get something for Jeremy too. But he still focuses on what he is doing.

"Don't sulk" She teases, Jeremy shoots her a look and smirks.

"I'm not" He argues.

"Ah that's a shame, cause I got you something too" Jeremy turns around to find Daphne is holding out a box towards him, he raises an eyebrow at her and then moves closer.

"What did you get me?" He asks.

"Open it" She answers and he takes the box from her. "And it goes without saying that...this" She motions to the box. "Doesn't get out" He nods, understanding what she's saying. Being the only other muggle outside of their parents that knows about magic, means that Jeremy has to keep whatever is in this box a secret. Which means it is from the wizarding world. Which just makes him all the more excited. She usually gives him wizarding candy when she comes home, but this box is significantly larger than a chocolate bar. He pulls the lid off and frowns at the contents before he pulls out a grey ball of fluff from within the box.

"What is it?" Jeremy asks her with a smile.

"It's a pygmy puff" Daphne answers warmly. "I got it in your favourite colour" The puff lifts its eyes and looks at Jeremy.

"And it's alive?" Jeremy counters, surprised, Daphne hums and nods.

"Yeah, it's a pet" She answers with a smirk. She thought it was adorable and a nice little gift for Jeremy to celebrate her finishing school. Easy to look after. Durable. Absolutely adorable. And with what happened to that Vicki chick, and their parents, and Jenna and John, she thought a nice companion would be nice for him, even if it's just a pet.

"Am I allowed to have this?" Jeremy asks her. "With all your magical laws and stuff?"

"Who cares" Daphne comments with a shrug. "Plus you live with me, you know about the whole witch thing....and if anyone turns up asking questions, just say it's mine" She tucks her hands into her jacket pockets. "There is a little instruction manual in the box," She tells him. "But they're pretty easy to care for...."

"Thanks, Daph," He tells her.

"I've got a tank and stuff for it, I'll set it up whilst you're at work..." He nods listening to her but invested in looking over the little puff. His smile vanishes though. "Jer?" She asks him.

"I've missed you" He admits and looks at her. He could have done with her around the last year. Having his big sister to help him. She never would have done some of the things that Elena has done. She would have been fighting in his corner.

"Well, I've missed you too" She assures him. She doesn't know exactly what has happened but she can see the toll it's taken on him. 


Packing up is exhausting. Especially when Daphne doesn't know what is junk and what isn't. She doesn't want to throw out anything sentimental or important. Elena and Jeremy should have those things. So she takes a break to grab food. She needs to eat. Ends up at the Mystic Grill. The local and only watering hole in Mystic Falls. She leans against the bar and taps the toe of her boot against the floor as she waits for her food. This is something she has missed being away. Real greasy American food. It's not that the food at Hogwarts was bad, it was tasty, but it was British tasty, it was different. She didn't hate it. But a real, American burger with all the fixings, and fries, tastes just like home. A loud voice snatches her attention. A voice she knows well. Caroline. The blonde's voice travels. Far. Daphne glances around the Grill for the girl, finding her sitting at a table with Tyler Lockwood, which is a little surprising. She wasn't aware they were friends. They never really spent all that much time together when they were kids. Tyler stuck close to Matt and Caroline had the girls. She tilts her head and then leans up from the bar. Moves closer to the table, Caroline's eyes brightening when she sees her friend.

"Daph" Caroline greets with a smile. "I didn't know you were back today"

"Yeah, I got an earlier flight" Daphne offers with a smile.

"Because of Elena's party?" Caroline asks, Daphne snorts in amusement and nods.

"Yeah, I got your messages, all fifty four of them" Daphne comments. Tyler snorts a little and gives Caroline a look. "For future reference, one would have been enough"

"You never replied" Caroline counters.

"You know I don't get cell signal at school" Daphne points out, Caroline shrugs a little. "How are tricks?" Daphne asks them.

"They're fine" Caroline answers, Daphne hums a little.

"Last I heard you and Matt were together" Caroline shakes her head. "No?"

"Not anymore" She corrects, Daphne raises an eyebrow and then nods.

"I'm a little behind I know" She offers and looks between them. "So....Are you two together now?" She asks.

"No" Tyler answers. "Why do people keep thinking that?" He counters. Daphne smirks and shrugs.

"Because it looks like you're together" Daphne points out as she pulls her bag strap over her head to settle on her shoulder. "Making those goo-goo eyes at one another"

"Daph" Caroline scolds a little. Daphne smirks and shrugs back at her.

"So is this another summer holiday thing?" Tyler asks.

"No, I am done with school" Daphne answers. "Graduated and everything. So expect to see me around a lot more"

"Gilbert!" The waiter shouts from the bar, calling out that her order is ready. Daphne glances over her shoulder and glances at him.

"That's my cue" She turns back to Caroline and Tyler. "See you guys at the party"


Pad sits on the dresser as Daphne packs up her mother's clothing. He taps a ring against the wood and then pulls it closer to inspect it. She's got him trained better than most nifflers, cause she got him young and worked hard. She couldn't keep him at Hogwarts if he ended up stealing from everyone. He can look. But he knows he can't take. Daphne lets out a breath and runs her fingers through her hair. She needs to start getting ready for the party soon, but she doesn't want to leave this unfinished. She feels like that would be disrespectful to leave all their stuff just lying around.

"Okay" She states and then holds out her hand, wiggling her fingers before the make up and cosmetic on the dresser lift from the item of furniture and float towards a box on the bed. It just saves time if Daphne does it like this. And why have powers if she doesn't use them. Behind her, from the trunk, a collection of items float up and out, setting up on the floor. A dog crate pops open. Niffle crate is a better term here. She rolls her fingers and the box of cosmetic closes. She moves to the crate and the accompanying items. Just things to make him comfortable in there. She grabs a pillow and shakes it out, brushing her hand over it before she slides it into a decorative wooden box. She couldn't let Pad sleep on the floor or something. So she made him a little niffler house. It's the dog crate that's been decorated, that's all it really is. It stops Pad from getting out and stealing stuff when she isn't looking or around. He's comfortable in there. He likes it in there. He has his own little treasure chest and galleons, a comfy bed, food, a sand bath. She can't risk him getting out and seeing it as his chance to go nuts.

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