Chapter Fifty-One

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Damon stands from the porch when Daphne apparates at the bottom of it. The two of them share a look before she moves closer, heading up the steps to the house, to him. He raises an eyebrow. He wants to know that this deal is going to work. To keep her safe, and her family, and him. To keep them all safe.

"Did it work?" He asks her, she nods.

"Yeah, he gave me his word that he won't hurt anyone else, for now, anyway, sort buys us a little time" He nods in agreement and then frowns.

"Sort of?" He counters, she sighs and looks at him.

"Well, do you trust him to keep his word?" She points out, he pulls a face and then nods in agreement. "No, me neither, but for's all we have" She closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Look at me" Damon states, she lets out a breath and turns to look at him. "It's gonna be okay," He tells her, she shakes her head a little. Not really believing him.

"How?" She asks him, her voice breaking. It's all just catching up. She's emotional. Tired. Hungry. And dealing with whatever it is that she's not talking to any of them about. He brushes the tear from her cheek.

"Hey" He whispers. Her jaw trembles as she gets upset. Letting all those pent up emotions just bubble away at the surface. Threatening to spill over. He pulls her closer and she falls into his chest, curling into him, wrapping her arms around him to clutch at the back of his jacket. She's not crying, but she is pretty close to doing so. "We'll figure it out" He adds as he plays with her hair. "I promise"


Elena and Daphne do talk about compelling Jeremy. But they both come to an understanding. An alternative idea. They are not going to compel Jeremy. Daphne doesn't want to do that to him, but she can still try and get him out of town. And make him feel like he is doing something to help them at the same time. She's hoping it might just be enough to get him to go. Daphne knocks on the doorframe of Jeremy's bedroom and he looks up from where he is sitting on his bed with his pygmy puff.

"Hey. Can we talk?" She asks him, pulling her sleeves down over her hands.

"Ahh, what did I do now?" He asks her. She shakes her head and heads into the room.

"Nothing" Daphne assures him. "I just...I need your help with something"

"Sure, Daph" Jeremy assures her. "I kind of owe you after today"

"You never owe me anything, Jer" She argues as she sits with him. "That's what family does for one another" He smiles softly at her as he scratches at the pygmy puff in his lap.

"So what do you need?"

"I think I have a way to deal with Klaus, but the books that I need are at my house in London"

"Your house in London?" He asks.

"Yeah, remember, I told you all about Grimmauld Place"

"Right" He nods. "It's your Dad's place" She nods in agreement.

"Yeah" She whispers. "Look, I would go but if I leave Elena here all alone, she is definitely gonna end up dead" Jeremy nods in agreement. "Will you go instead?"

"And this isn't you wanting me out of town whilst Klaus is a threat?" Jeremy asks her, she nods.

"Yeah, that too" She agrees. "Look, that house is filled with books, and magical artefacts, and I do actually think there might be something there that will help. If it keeps you out of danger for a little while too, then great" He looks down at the puff who nuzzles into his hand. "I'm not going to force you to go, Jer," She offers. "But I would feel better if you did and I think you would too, just to take some time away from all of this....there's an art gallery and studio down the street, some great cafes and stores, you know, it's London, go nuts, explore....take your time....don't worry about us"

"You can't ask me not to worry, Daph" He whispers, she nods.

"Yeah, worth a shot though" She teases weakly. He looks at her and then lets out a breath.

"Right" He starts and then nods. "Suppose you better tell me what to look for" She looks at him surprised, he gives her a small smile.

"So that means?" She asks him.

"I'll go" He answers and she relaxes a little. Relief floods through her. One person she doesn't have to worry about.


Daphne presses the heels of her hands into her eyes as she sits on the porch. Damon leaves the house and then sits at her side. She lifts her head and takes a deep breath.

"You just saved his life, Red" He assures her. "Take it from me, strange is bad, dead is worse" She nods in agreement. She knows that sending Jeremy away is the right thing to do to keep him safe. But that doesn't mean she likes the idea of sending him away from his home. "I'll see you tomorrow," He tells her and then stands before he moves away.

"Damon" He stops and turns back to her. "I thought you wanted to talk about....things"

"You're tired" He counters. "It's been a long day, it's okay, it can wait"

"Thank you" She offers. He hums and nods.

"No problem"

"Not just for this, Damon" She argues, the two of them share a look. "And I am sorry" She adds. "I'm sorry I made you feel like it was something you did...." He moves back towards her. "Because it wasn't you, it really wasn't...." He crouches in front of her.

"What happened then?" He asks, she looks away from him. She debates with herself. But she knows she's going to need someone to help her. Someone to make sure that if something were to happen to her, that it doesn't break the world.

"It's just..." She closes her eyes and sighs. "With what I am...the whole witch-fairy thing" He hums and nods. "There are just some...side effects" He raises an eyebrow. "Nothing you need to worry about, but I do...I worry about it. I worry about people getting close to me, about getting close to other people, and most of the time, I forget. I forget what can happen......and when we...." She stops and wrinkles her nose. "It...came flooding back...because..." She stops herself before she can outright tell him that she feels things for him. That she really likes him. "Can I ask you for a favour?" She starts. "I know I don't deserve it...after ghosting you and...."

"What do you need?" He interrupts her. She lets out a breath and nods, looking away from him a moment as she tries to get the words right in her head. She knows what she is going to ask of him is going to sound weird but she can't tell him everything. She can't admit things. Even if she wants to. She was taught to keep it a secret. It was drilled into her.

"If I die" She starts, he frowns a little and leans closer to her. She turns to look at him. "Promise me you'll bury me, that you'll bury me in a very, very deep grave, I mean, pour some cement on me, and be done with it" He frowns at her. "No matter what, you don't let anyone interfere with my body"

"Red" He starts, because her worry over this makes no sense.

"Promise me you won't let anyone set me on fire, no cremation, no pyre, no arson or whatever...." He frowns harder at her. "Please" She begs of him. "If I'm dead, this is what I want...I don't want anything to...."

"Okay" He stops her, taking her arms in his hands and shifting closer to her. "Okay, I promise" He pulls her closer as he stands, pulling her up with him. "I promise..."

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