Chapter Two

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Daphne glances around the exterior of the Salvatore Boarding House

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Daphne glances around the exterior of the Salvatore Boarding House. It's been in town for as long as she can remember but she's never been inside of it. She never had a reason to. It was just the creepy house just outside of town. She lets out a breath and heads inside. She can hear the music pulsing from inside so it is already threatening to be a lively one. And she is right, inside, The party is already in full swing. Students from across town are drinking and dancing. Caroline waves from across the room and Daphne snorts and waves back at her. She seems pleased with her handy work, but Elena is not going to like this. She's not a big party person. Daphne supposes she should find Elena, as the birthday girl.


Daphne enters a room and wrinkles her nose. She sniffs a little and wafts her hand in front of her face, waving away the pot smoke that is literally clogging up the room. This must be the stoner room. There is always one at any party. Even a Hogwarts one. How many parties has she snuck out to and found a bunch of Hufflepuffs in a corner smoking something they've grown. But this time, this time it is Jeremy is sat in that room with a joint held between his fingers and at his side Matt Donovan, she honestly didn't think Matt had it in him, he always came across as such a goody-two-shoes. She raises an eyebrow and Jeremy gives her a sheepish smile. Caught out. She sighs and moves closer to the two of them.

"If you're going to do it" She opens up the little clutch-style case she is carrying and turns it to show a row of joints inside. A cigarette case that looks like a tiny purse that is filled with joints. Jeremy looks at her surprised. "Do it right" She adds and winks at them.


Daphne sits with Jeremy now, the two of them sharing a couch and a joint. She probably shouldn't be sharing stuff like this with him, but at least she knows it's safer this way, she knows what is in her herbs, she knows they are safe for consumption.

"Okay, so this is what they teach you at that fancy magic boarding school?" Jeremy teases her, she nudges him and shakes her head.

"Hey, they teach us herbology, so it's their fault that we figure out what else we can use them for" She offers with a smirk. "Plus we're teenagers stuck in a castle in the middle of nowhere, what the fuck else are we meant to do?" Elena gives them both a look when she enters the room. "Oh no, fun patrol" Daphne teases, Jeremy smirks.

"I just want you to meet someone, Daph" Elena tells her and nods for her to come with her. Daphne hands the joint over to Jeremy and the pair share a look. Daphne rolls her eyes a little but goes with Elena, believing that this is going to be her finally meeting Stefan. Elena has gone on and on and on about him for months.


Elena leads Daphne out of the house and onto the porch where Alaric is sat with Damon, neither wanting to get caught up in all the teenageness inside. A little quiet amongst the noise. Damon raises an eyebrow in question here because he doesn't know this girl. He doesn't recognise her.

"So this is my big sister Daphne," Elena tells Damon who raises an eyebrow at the two of them because there is at least some family resemblance between Jeremy and Elena as cousins-slash pretend siblings, but this Daphne looks nothing like either of them. Daphne raises an eyebrow at his gaze and then does the same to him.

"He's pretty hot," Daphne tells Elena. "Nicely done....considering he is way out of your league" Damon smirks a little and nods in agreement. Elena frowns at her and then realises that she has yet again mistaken someone for Stefan.

"No, this...this is Damon, he's Stefan's brother" Elena stops her. Daphne turns to her.

"When you said you wanted me to meet someone, I assumed you meant like the actual Stefan" She then taps her head and then gives Elena a look. "So, where is this elusive boyfriend you've been writing to me about none stop for like nine months?"

"He's not here" Elena answers and shares a look with Damon, it does not go unnoticed by Daphne.

"On your birthday?" Daphne asks her. "What's up with that?"

"She makes a solid point there" Damon agrees with a smirk. Elena just glares at him. Daphne has no idea. Damon does.

"And speaking of missing people, where the hell is Bonnie? I thought she'd be here"

"She', she's not here either" Elena mumbles.

"Yeah, I got that...." Daphne then hums a little and taps her fingers on her arm. "It's like something weird is happening in town" Elena looks up, alarmed then. "I'm joking" Daphne points out with a snort. "Jeez...I get it. People have lives outside of you and well, Bonnie doesn't really have much reason to be in town anymore, right? With her Grams dead?" Daphne shrugs a little. "Now, excuse me, I am going to enjoy this party"

"I didn't think partying was your thing" Elena comments.

"Are you kidding?" Daphne asks. "I spent my 18th studying for an exam...I am counting this" She motions around her. "As much my party as it is yours" Elena smiles a little and nods. "I am going to party the shit out of it" She kisses Elena's cheek and then bounces away.

"So, that's your sister" Damon comments with a smirk.

"Yeah" Elena agrees with a smile. "She's a little....eccentric I guess" Damon snorts a little and raises an eyebrow. "But she's a good person, I've missed having her around. She the smartest one of us, she would have known what to do with everything that's happened" She looks down. If she had Daphne to lean on, to bounce ideas off of, Stefan might still be around. And not far away. Bonnie might not be in hiding.

(1) The Phoenix (D. Salvatore)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα