Chapter Seventy-One

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The inside of Klaus' mansion has been decorated to the nines

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The inside of Klaus' mansion has been decorated to the nines. All shiny and glittery. A lot more bright and open than the last time Damon was here. Which was literally the day before. He sighs where he stands at the bar, adjusting the cuffs of his tux jacket. He's waiting on the arrival of Daphne. She wanted to travel with Elena to help her with her dress. Which is fair enough. Stefan is outside, bracing himself for the night. So Damon is inside, alone. Right in the middle of his enemies. This might have been a terrible idea. He glances around, eyes passing over the live orchestral band and then lands on Carol Lockwood. He turns and grabs two flutes of champagne from the bar before he moves towards her. Weaving through other party goers to get to Carol. When he reaches her, he holds out one of the flutes to her which she takes from him, turning to face him.

"Hello, Carol" He greets her and holds up his own glass.

"Hello" She counter greets and then they clink glasses.

"Hanging out with your new besties?" Damon asks before he takes a drink.

"I'm the mayor, Damon" Carol defends. "When the oldest, deadliest, family of vampires moves into your town, you welcome them with a smile"

"Hmm, Well at least you know who you're borrowing that cup of sugar from" He comments dryly and looks around. This whole thing would be so much more fun if Daphne were here already.

"I'm trying to protect this town" Carol argues. "They've assured me they want peace, and I've assured them that I'd enforce it" She points out. Damon clenches his jaw, annoyed. No one else seems to care about the threat these people are. Carol has a son who is now basically a slave to Klaus. The sheriff's daughter has been almost killed by him. Why do these people not see how dangerous and unwanted the Originals are? From across the room, Kol approaches the two of them but essentially ignores Damon. He takes Carol's hand and kisses the back of it in greeting.

"Mayor Lockwood. We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson. I hope your lovely town embraces us just as much as we plan to embrace it" Carol smiles, charmed by him as he pulls his hand back. Damon turns to him, holds out his hand.

"Damon Salvatore" Damon greets. "Have we met?" Kol glances down at Damon's outstretched hand, clenches his jaw before looking back at Damon. Ignoring the hand.

"I've met a lot of people" Kol admits. "And you don't particularly stand out" He adds and then walks away. Damon turns to watch him go, his fingers tightening around the glass in his hand. Annoyed. These people just annoy him to no end. This family. Kol's attention is suddenly stolen by something. Someone. Damon's eyes follow, to see just what has stolen Kol's gaze. It's not hard for Damon to figure it out. It's Daphne. The doors of the front of the house close behind Daphne as she enters the foyer of the mansion. The creamy, beige, goldish dress moves flawlessly with her. Even sparkling as she shifts, settling the skirt right, the lights catching on the fabric. He lets out a breath as he just stares at her. Carol glances behind her and at Daphne before she takes the flute from Damon.

"Excuse me, Carol" Damon offers and moves towards Daphne who walks into the room, her eyes scanning around before she finds Damon making his way towards her. She smiles at him when he reaches her, his fingers twitching at his side as he wants to reach out for her. "You look..." He pauses and swallows a little. "Beautiful" He settles on but he really doesn't think it holds enough meaning or weight. He thinks there are probably 100 different words that would be better suited to describe how she looks. The way her hair has been curled and even that orange stone around her neck.

"Thank you" She whispers softly and touches the skirt of her dress. Damon offers her his arm and she wraps hers in it.

"Where's Elena?" He asks as they head deeper into the event, instead of lingering at the door, despite how much both of them wants to flee from this.

"Outside with Stefan, they're...talking" She offers as she leans into his arm, he hums a little.

"Good talk or bad talk?" He inquires as he looks down at her, watching as she smirks a little and shrugs.

"Who knows" She answers teasingly, he snorts.

"You" He teases, reaching up to poke her nose. "You're a telepath" He reminds her.

"Well, yeah, but that feels rude" She counters. "They need to deal with this themselves, without interference or eavesdropping" She stops him and turns to face him. "How do you feel when people walk in on us when we almost...?"

"Deeply annoyed and frustrated...Oh," He answers and then realises.

"So whilst they talk, we're going drink champagne and hopefully eat something..." She offers as she looks around for food. Damon smirks and pulls her closer.

"I have something you can..." He starts, she gives him a sharp look, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't" She warns with a small smirk. "Please don't finish that sentence"

"Not being dirty" He defends and then pulls out a bag of skittles from his pocket. She softens a little. "Skittle?" She chuckles before she holds out her hand, he pours some of the candy out into her palm and then hides the bag again in his pocket.

"You brought candy to a ball?" She teases, he hums and nods.

"I didn't know what they'd be serving" He defends as he takes a couple of the skittles from her hand. "Could be salmon mousse or something pretentious and gross" Daphne peers over Damon's shoulder and watches Elena and Stefan as they walk into the mansion. Elena appears upset but trying to hide it. Her talk with Stefan would have been hard on them both. They both still care about one another. Daphne waves her fingers at Elena who smiles sadly and waves back. Stefan looks bored at her side but that's not what Daphne is feeling from him. It's like he's trying to keep it all shut down on the outside. Damon touches her side and she turns her attention back to him. "How'd it go?" He whispers, she shrugs a little.

"It's not as easy as it being one conversation" She answers. "They both have a lot to work through, it's been a tough few months for Elena and Stefan is recovering....and this shit storm with Klaus and the original douchebags" Damon smirks and hums in agreement. "We need to deal with them...and then maybe things can start to...even out" He nods.

"Yeah, maybe, but what are the chances" He glances at the bar. "Drink?" She nods, enthusiastically. She might need to get buzzed to get through this night. He wraps an arm around her waist and leads her over to the bar.

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