One Hundred and Fifteen

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Inside the school, in one of the empty classrooms, Bonnie and Daphne sit across from one another, cross-legged on the floor, hands held tightly, crossing wrists between them. They both have their eyes closed. Channelling magic through each other and down to their hands trying to break the boundary spell that is holding them here. Daphne does feel better about having Bonnie to help her this time. Stefan was right about that. Knowing that she has another witch at her back does help her feel more competent about getting things right this time. Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Jaime and Jeremy are lingering around them, watching and waiting. Some are more patient than others. Klaus paces slightly, watching the two witches work.

"What's taking so long?!" Klaus demands. "All boundary spells have a loop hole" Daphne lets out an annoyed breath through her nose, already getting annoyed by him. Matt then enters the room behind them.

"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier" He informs them. Jeremy turns to him.

"Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is" He points out. But it's not an idea that they like. It would mean putting their two most fragile friends at risk like that. Esther is a powerful, old witch, Matt and Jeremy are mere humans with no special powers to speak of. That would be suicide.

"It's suicide, Jeremy" Stefan voices it. Klaus rushes over and grabs Jamie by the throat and starts to strangle him.

"Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witches, or I'll start killing people you care about" Klaus threatens, but almost as soon as the last word is out of his mouth, he drops Jaime and falls tot he ground, writhing around in pain, his voice straining. Daphne turns a look on him and raises an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" She asks him and then focuses harder on him. His back arches and he lets out a strew of curse words. Daphne's lip twitches, threatening a smirk. Klaus clenches his eyes shut. Everyone is watching, Damon looks rather amused and very proud, Stefan looks concerned, as if thinking about the consequences of her attacking him like this, Jeremy and Matt literally look like they have no idea what she did but are still rather enjoying it.

"Enough!" He yells and she relents. He lets out a shaky breath. "Wandless and wordless cruciatus curse" He muses and then turns to look at Daphne. He's never seen it happen before, and to be honest, neither has she. "Breaking wizarding laws...." He adds as he pushes himself to his feet.

"I'm sure I would be given a pass considering the circumstances and the individuals I used them on" She argues. Klaus raises an eyebrow.

"Them?" He asks but she ignores him and turns back to Bonnie, releasing her hands before she stands. She moves towards Klaus, lifting her hands, Klaus flinches a little but she simply reaches for his head. "What are you doing?" Klaus leans back from her.

"You want to find your mother" She wiggles her fingers beside his head. "I can track her through you" He raises an eyebrow but he lets her take hold of her head. "Blood is connection. More than just through the liquid itself but through your mind" She explains then lowers her head and closes her eyes. "You are connected to Esther, and through that connection, I can find her" She reaches out, linking her mind with Klaus', for now, and then pushes out further. Using his blood and his mind to try and locate his mother. She cringes a little as she feels a sort of shift against her telepathic search. A resistance against her.

"What's happening?" Bonnie asks, shifting closer to Daphne.

"Esther can sense me...she is fighting against it" Daphne admits.

"Esther couldn't possibly have this much power" Klaus argues. "Unless she's channelling something"

"A hotspot?" Bonnie asks. Klaus grabs Daphne's wrists and pulls them from his head.

"Get ready, humans. I know where she is" Klaus informs the group and releases Daphne who glances with worried eyes at Jeremy. She hates this idea. But when they are all stuck within Esther's boundary spell, they have no other option. All Daphne and Bonnie can do is try to get the spell reversed as quick as possible so Jeremy and Matt will not be alone out there for too long. Daphne turns to Bonnie who nods, understands her concern and is willing to push herself to help get that boundary spell down.


Outside of the school, Klaus and Stefan are standing outside the school near the entrance to the gym hall. They are still waiting on Daphne and Bonnie to bring down the boundary spell. It is taking longer than any of them wants. Klaus glances at Stefan and then lets out a breath.

"You know this is your fault. You set us on this path when you released my mother. I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost"

"Oh, I'm done with revenge" Stefan argues. "As far as Esther; we've stopped her before, we'll stop her again"

"We're strange bedfellows, you and I. You know, all of this, reminds me of our time together in the Twenties"

"You say that like I'm supposed to have happy memories about it"

"Well, there were moments. Real friendship. Brotherhood" Klaus tries to remind him, just as Damon walks up to them from the school.

"Well, he already has a brother. Not to be, you know, territorial or anything" Damon comments, Klaus looks at him.

"Oh no, of course, the Salvatores. And their unshakeable bond." Klaus counters with a small sly smirk. Daphne clear her throat, standing behind them.

"Not to break up the bro-fest, but...the boundary spell is broken" Klaus tests the boundary with his arm, and seeing Daphne's words are correct, rushes away. Stefan lets out a breath and glances at Damon.

"I'll go ahead" He offers. "Find Alaric, Elena and Jeremy" Damon nods. Daphne goes to follow but Damon stops her, she turns a scolding look on him.

"In a minute" He assures her softly, moving to stand in front of her. He takes her arms in his hands and smirks at her. "We got a win" He reminds her. Wanting her to realise that. To let herself feel that win.

"Day's not over yet" She argues, he shrugs and leans forward to rest his forehead against hers.

"Still count it" He counters. She lets out a small laugh and nods a little. She's not sure if it really counts as she has yet to see if Elena, Jeremy and Alaric are alright. But she supposes she did do something right.

"Fine" She caves softly and touches his jacket. "But can we celebrate later, after we've made sure everyone is alright?" He hums a little and then pulls back from her.

"Fine" He parrots back at her. "But it has to be a really good celebration" She chuckles a little and takes his hand, pulling him along as she follows after Stefan.

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