Chapter Eighty

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Damon sets the trunk down on the floor of the Salvatore house cell in the basement with a small thud. It is a lot heavier than it looks. He doesn't know how she carries it, unless there is some magical solution, which from what he has seen of her, he is leaning towards. She tends to have a magical solution to most mundane things, things he never thought of. Daphne touches the small of his back as she reaches his side and gives him a thankful smile. He smiles back at her. It's strange for him. To feel so at peace with something. With someone. He knows that there is danger around every corner, but with her standing at his side like this, he finds it hard to fear anything. Daphne waves her hand over the top of the box and it unlocks, the lid lifting to allow her access. She grabs a book first from the trunk, wanting to go over the instructions of the spell. To make sure she remembers it right. She is quick to find the spell that she wants. Though considering that she's read all her books from cover to cover with great pleasure and enjoyment over the years, that's not a miraculous thing. She knows exactly where spells are in her books.

"Okay," She whispers to herself, eyes flickering over the page before she shuts it. "Okay," She is louder and firmer now. Happy that she knows what she is doing. What needs to be done. She chose this room, the cell, because it won't matter that she has to draw on the floor. She grabs the white chalk from the box and steps into the centre of the room. She lets out a breath and nods. Damon is looking at his phone, pulling a face as a text comes in from the others. That they are all in position and ready to go. He wants to stay with Daphne rather than going to deal with the Originals. He doesn't like the idea of leaving her here alone. He doesn't know what to expect from this spell, but he assumes it is a heavy spell, she's said as much. Daphne draws a sigil on the floor with the chalk. Careful to get each and every single line right. She knows what is at stake here.

"The others are all in place" Damon voices, his eyes on Daphne as she finishes the sigil, throwing the chalk back into her trunk.

"I'll stay with her" Stefan assures Damon. "Just deal with the others" Daphne holds up her hand and then twists it, the candles around the sigil light up with the silent spell. Damon moves to Daphne as she turns to inspect her work. She's almost startled by him. Damon strokes his fingers under Daphne's chin before he kisses her, firmly, his own worry seeping into the affection, then he rests his forehead against hers.

"Wow, now how am I supposed to concentrate" She whispers, he smirks and then kisses her again, softer this time, fleeting, before he pulls back to leave. Her eyes follow him until the door closes. She lets out a breath as Stefan raises an amused eyebrow at her. She shakes her head and moves to her trunk. She has to focus on the spell. She has to get this right for all of them. She sprinkles salt around the sigil, meant to keep her grounded, and then sits cross-legged in the centre, clasping her hands together against her chest. "No matter what" She starts. "Don't touch me or move me....which I guess is covered by touching, but whatever..." She shakes her head and then lets out a breath, then takes in a deeper one. Readying herself. Concentrating on the intricate aspects of the spell. Because it is a tough spell. A light blue aura wraps around Daphne that causes Stefan to take a step back. It's a blue shimmering thing that is a little alarming for Stefan.

"What are you doing?" He asks her.

"Attempting to astral project" She answers. "Don't interrupt. If I get this wrong, I'll become a vegetable" Stefan clenches his jaw, remaining quiet. Daphne closes her eyes and continues her chanting. The aura around her brightens as she connects to the astral plane. Whilst they did cover this in school, she only successfully did it once. For her exam. No one ever thinks that they will end up using it. They were warned of the risks of getting it wrong. That the soul can permanently split from the body. To be left to wander the astral plane forever, whilst their body goes on as an empty shell. Then suddenly, she's staring down at her meditating and now empty body. It is a little disconcerting actually. A weird feeling sinks over her. Heavy. She knows she doesn't have long. The longer she spends here the higher the risk of detachment. And she has no idea what that would mean for the whole phoenix thing. Would it class her as dead? Would it wake without her human side to keep it controlled? That's a terrifying thought. She shakes her head and moves closer to Stefan who is a little concerned about her. Daphne comes to stop in front of him, tilting her head a moment before she abruptly begins to wiggle around in front of him, waving her arms over her head as she pulls faces. Just checking to see that this has worked. She then relaxes and smirks.

"Couldn't resist" She comments and then leaves the room, actually trusting Stefan to watch over her body. She has some witches to find. All she has to do is cut off Esther's link to the Bennett witches. To stop her from drawing her power from them. She'll have to talk to Bonnie about the way she uses her magic, this is a bad idea, using it to help a 1,000-year-old witch. Not that Daphne's doing any better, working with Elijah and his siblings, though she is at least doing it to protect someone she loves. Elena's in danger. Her life is on the line because their mother couldn't keep it in her pants all those years ago.

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