Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three

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Stefan, Elena, and Damon get out of the car and walk towards the Gilbert house where Daphne sits on the porch steps waiting for them. She turns her wand around in her hand, staring at it. She can't feel her connection to it anymore. She can't feel anything regarding her magic anymore. But if that is the worst side effect of that spell, then it is better than dying. She'll mourn the loss of her magic, she'll feel lost without it, but at least she would be alive. She lets out a breath and glances at her sister who rushes forward to reach her. Daphne pushes herself to her feet and hugs Elena as she falls into her arms. Clutching at her big sister. Her saviour. Daphne closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, hugging Elena tighter.

"It's um – it's been a long day" Stefan admits, Elena nods in agreement as she pulls back from Daphne.

"We'll call you from the road after we dump Klaus' body in the Atlantic" Damon offers as he checks over Daphne. She gives him a small scolding look but he just shrugs back at her. He's not going to apologise for worrying about her, for caring about her.

" careful," Elena tells them. "Both of you" Daphne hums in agreement. Damon nods and touches her arm before he starts for the car with Stefan. Elena heads into the house but Daphne lingers. Watching Damon. A deep sense of sadness fills her. The desire to say something, to do something more. She moves towards Damon, disappearing and then apparating closer to him.

"Damon" He turns just in time to catch her, he frowns slightly as she clutches to him and then she kisses him, surprising him by the intensity of it but he kisses her back, curling an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him. She pulls back and gives him a soft smile. "I love you," She tells him. He frowns at the waver in her voice, the hitch in her heartbeat. He touches her face, curling his hand around her cheek as he searches her eyes. There is something there. Something that worries him. Unsettles him.

"I'll be back soon" He promises her. "Then we can take that trip" He adds, brushing his thumb over her skin. "Just you and me...Wherever you want"

"Yeah," She whispers. "I'll hold you to that" She adds and then pulls away from him. "Go" She nods to his car. "Sooner you leave the sooner you get back" She tells him and he hums, giving her a quick kiss before he turns and follows after Stefan. Stefan climbs into the car when Damon reaches him, but Damon pauses. He glances back over his shoulder at Daphne, frowning. He still feels unsettled by that conversation. His stomach is in knots. Daphne is heading back towards the house, her head lowered as she looks down at the wand in her hand. He shakes his head and climbs into the car. Whatever it is, they will deal with it when he gets back, they'll settle it with a nice trip somewhere. Just the two of them. Daphne turns to watch the car drive away. Damon isn't the only one unsettled. She feels it too. She feels void. Empty. Weak. And it's getting worse. Like it's all just seeping out of her. She lets out a long breath and turns back around. Just before she enters the house, she stops. Closes her eyes. Then snaps the wand in half. Nothing. She felt nothing from her magic. It's gone. She opens her eyes to look down at the two halves of her wand. It's useless to her now anyway. She clutches the two pieces in her hand as she heads inside.


Inside, Daphne leans in the kitchen doorway with a soft smile on her face as she watches Elena, Jeremy, Caroline, Matt, Tyler, and Bonnie laughing together. It's been so rare to see them all together and smiling and happy in recent months. There haven't exactly been a ton of reasons for these situations. Caroline bounces over to Daphne and holds out a shot of tequila with a bright smile.

"Witch of the hour" Caroline teases and Daphne takes the drink from her. Tyler walks over to join them.

"Hey, give me your hand" Daphne tucks the pieces of her wand into a drawer at the side before she holds out her hand to Tyler. He pours some salt onto it.

"Thank you," She tells him, he shrugs.

"It's just salt" He argues, she shakes her head at him.

"No, I meant....for helping" He gives her a small smile.

"Let's just say it's been a long time coming" He adds and the two of them share a look. Tyler was not one of her favourite people growing up, he was a bit of a dick, but he's come a long way, probably one that has come the furthest from what she's heard.

"Way too long" Caroline comments and wraps her arm around him. Daphne smiles warmly watching the two of them together. "Alright, let's drink!" Caroline teases and glances around at them all.

"I do not condone this, by the way," Elena points out.

"You survived Klaus" Jeremy argues. "Alright, make an exception, you can go back to being responsible tomorrow"

"Okay," She raises her shot glass to her mouth.

"Hang on" Tyler stops them. "Do you guys hear that?" He asks. They all remain silent for a moment, listening for something. "That is the sound of a Klaus-free life" They all laugh, but it is less amused and more relieved. They are all relieved over what happened today. Daphne doesn't blame them. They've been battling Klaus for so long that this has got to feel like a weight off of their chests. Elena raises her glass.

"To a Klaus free life" The others raise their glasses too. "And to all of you. My family" Elena adds and Jeremy wraps his arm around her shoulder to pull her into his side with a soft smile.

"And to Daph" Caroline adds. "Who freed us from a psycho hybrid" Daphne glances at her, Caroline smiles brighter and nods. They all clink their glasses together, say cheers, and drink. Toasting their new safe life. 

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