Chapter Seventy

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Daphne pours out a mug of coffee as the morning sun streams through the window. She feels better about a few things. With Stefan sort of fixed, he's still going to take time to get better, if he ever does get to 100% old Stefan. They only have to deal with whatever came out of that coffin. And what it means for them. As for Daphne's issues regarding her issues, she is trying to work through them as per the advice given to her by Harry and Hermione, and the advice she herself gave Stefan. She has to start letting people in. To educate them on who she really is. What she is. She owes Elena and Jeremy that much. And Damon. She's put enough of this on him. He was right about her talking to someone, and she will. She moves to join Elena, Stefan, and Damon at the breakfast island.

"It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin" Elena explains as Daphne slots in against her side, setting the mug down. Elena wanted to talk to them all, apparently, she had spent the evening before talking with Elijah about what came out of the coffin. Which put her in harm's way. One of them should have been there with her. To keep her safe. These Originals are literally the original monsters.

"As in the Original Witch?" Daphne asks, Elena nods.

"What?" Damon argues. Confused here, considering the story that they translated from the wall in the cavern. "How is she even alive? Thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago"

"I don't know. I'm guessing she has a couple of connections in the witching community"

"Is that possible?" Stefan asks Daphne who shrugs back.

"It shouldn't be" She answers. "There have been occasions of people cheating death. Extended lifespans through magic, through mutilation of souls....but after already being dead, yeah, no, I don't know of anything that could do that"

"Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus" Elena offers.

"She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus" Stefan argues.

"Well, not least not according to Elijah" Elena defends. Daphne pulls a face and glances at Damon who gives her a look back. Both of them clearly think the same thing here. That they can't trust Elijah with this.

"That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds" Stefan voices.

"Anyone else feeling a little used right now?" Damon asks.

"Yeah" Daphne whispers and sighs. "This can't be good"

"Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us" Elena argues with them. Trying to make the best of the situation that they are all now in. The doorbell rings and Elena leans away from the counter. "I believe him" Elena leaves the room to answer the door.

"Yeah, well she's the only one" Daphne mumbles.

"What's this?" Stefan asks as he picks up the book from the counter. The phoenix inscribed book.

"A book" Daphne points out and takes it from him. Stefan gives her a look. "I don't know, it was dropped off by a friend, it's not in any language I recognise"

"And you didn't find that strange?" Damon asks her.

"No" She argues. "They usually give me books and stuff"

"Oh, so this is one of your....witchy friends?" He counters, she hums and nods, tracing over the figure on the cover, her eyes move to Elena as she walks back into the kitchen. She has two envelopes in her hands. "What is it?" Daphne asks, Elena holds out the envelope with her name one. Daphne frowns and sets her book down again before taking the envelope from her. She opens it up and removes a card. "An invitation" She offers. "Please join the Mikaelson Family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails and celebration."

(1) The Phoenix (D. Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now