Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One

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Abby helps Daphne set up for the spell as Bonnie rummages around in Daphne's magic trunk, going through ingredients and books and crystals and all sorts. There are more things in here in regard to magic than she has seen since her Grams was around. It even smells like her grandmother's house. It's soothing in a way because she misses her Grams so much. And times like this do make her think about her a lot. She picks up a labelled jar and then frowns at the writing there.

"Is this a real sloth brain?" Bonnie asks as she stares into the jar in her hand.

"Yes," Daphne answers as she draws on the floor in chalk, marking out an intricate design. "You know we're not brewing that potion now, right?" She teases a little, Bonnie gives her a look back.

"No, I know" Bonnie assures her. "I was just curious" She holds up the potions book in her other hand. "We haven't really had time to talk about all of this" She looks down at the book. Daphne glances at her softly.

"I know" Daphne agrees. It was something she was looking forward to. To share her magical knowledge with Bonnie. To help her catch up to where she should be. It's not the same magic, but Daphne would try and help. Bonnie is evolving into a powerful witch in her own way anyway. "Maybe when we've dealt with this we can take some time" Bonnie smiles and nods. Daphne sits in the centre of the chalk drawings, crossing her legs and taking a deep breath. "Okay," She states. "Now we wait" She whispers and glances at Bonnie who nods in agreement and reassurance. She's got Daphne's back. Even after everything, she knows now. She knows that she can trust Daphne and she hopes that Daphne knows she can trust Bonnie, not that she's proven that recently. She made a mistake, but it wasn't about how much she trusted Daphne, it was about trying to protect Jeremy. It doesn't seem to take long though, a benefit of working with vampires she supposes. They have the speed to get something done in at least half the time it would take an ordinary human being. Daphne feels that Klaus has made contact with Alaric's heart. "They made contact. It's happening" Daphne lowers her head to look at the sheet of parchment in front of her. The incantation has been written down for her. "Ocoros Mecante, Aleora Subsitos" She starts and then closes her eyes when she feels something. She can feel her magic stirring in her. Shifting in her. She cringes a little as the heat spreads through her. Like a fire has lit under her skin. Orange veins appear on her face, her necklace flickering in shine around her neck. Bonnie goes to stop Daphne because whatever that is, it is not good. Abby stops her. Bonnie turns an accusing look at her mother. As if Abby knew this was going to happen. She didn't. But if they want to win, they are going to have to let it happen. This spell, it seems, is concerning that locked away force inside of Daphne. That dark magic aspect is reaching out. And it's pain and weakness. Daphne can feel her magic moving through her as if it is leaving her, and at the same time, she feels herself getting weaker. Like it's more than just her magic. Her fingers tremble on her knees. She pales. She sways slightly where she is sitting. Daphne suddenly gasps, her eyes snapping open.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie asks, pushing past Abby to check on her friend. Daphne looks at her.

"Something happened" Daphne complains. "The connection broke" She pushes herself to her feet, but something is wrong. She feels like she has been utterly drained of strength. She stumbles, almost falling over completely. Bonnie grabs her arm to keep her steady.

"Daph" Bonnie whispers, watching her with concern.

"I feel..." Daphne starts and then lets out a shaky breath. "I don't know" She admits looking down at her hand as she holds it out, her skin is still pale, and her fingers still tremble. "I need to sit down" She adds, Bonnie nods and helps her over to the couch.


It doesn't take long for Damon and Stefan to return from the school with bad news. Obviously, Daphne was expecting something to go wrong given that the spell failed due to the connection failing. Both brothers look beaten. Disappointed in the way that things worked out.

"Klaus has Elena" Damon complains as he drops onto the couch next to Daphne. His eyes on her face. Noting how weak she's looking. How drained and pale and just done she looks. He frowns.

"Esther bound Alaric's life to Elena's" Stefan informs them. "If she dies, so does he..."

"Smart" Daphne comments as she shifts slightly in her seat. "She knew we would never use Elena to kill him" Damon brushes her hair over her shoulder and touches her neck. "Stop fussing" She scolds him. "I'm fine" Between her nosebleed earlier due to her telepathy, and now this. He's worried about her. Damon glances at Bonnie who subtly shakes her head in disagreement with Daphne.

"Alaric thinks Klaus is going to use Elena to get at him" Stefan continues. Abby, Daphne, and Bonnie share a look before Abby looks at Stefan.

"We have an idea" Abby admits and glances at Daphne who nods in agreement.

"Oh?" Damon asks.

"We're going to turn the spell on Klaus" Daphne tells him. "We'll desiccate him"

"We'll need someone who can get into the house without raising suspicion" Bonnie explains. "So...we've called Tyler" Damon groans and rolls his eyes at the thought of them working with Tyler.

"He's the only one that can do this" Daphne counters. "He can get into the house, he can find Elena, he can get to Klaus...but you two will be close by, just in case he needs the extra muscle"

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